Thursday, August 1, 2013

What They Have in Common

Our boys seem to think it's time for us to have another baby, because they keep talking about what we should name a new baby.  Ummm...guys?...isn't it a little premature to be thinking about that??  ;-)

In the process of discussion however, they've noticed some patterns that we--unintentionally--have going.  For example, the first vowel in Josiah's name is "o."  The first one in David's name is "a."  For Tobin, it's "o."  For Shav, it's "a."  Moriah is, of course, an "o."  So clearly the name of the next child we have must have "a" as the first vowel!  According to the logic of my boys anyhow...  :)

Also, they were quick to point out the other day that Josiah's name has 3 syllables...David's has 2...Tobin's has 2...Shav's has 1.  And then we start over again with the pattern because Moriah's has 3.  The obvious assumption is that our next baby should have a 2-syllable name.  Duh!  ;-)

Lastly, they discussed how we have used a different beginning consonant for each child's name, so whatever name we choose for our next baby can't begin with "J," "D," "T," "S," or "M."

When they had come up with a name that fit those criteria (I actually don't even remember what name it was! can tell I'm taking these name discussions *very* seriously)  ;-)  and presented it to Jeff, he vetoed it because it didn't have a biblical connection.  Back to the drawing board for my little thinkers...

A 2-syllable name that has "a" as its first vowel but not "J," "D," "T," "S," or "M" for its first letter and comes from the Bible but isn't too common (maybe you've noticed how much I prefer unusual names?)  ;-)  -- well, I don't know if there are too many of those names around!  It's a good thing we don't need one now.  :)

At any rate, listening to them talk made me think about these two...
...and some similarities they have.  Besides the "av" combination in their names...

They're the only even-numbered children in our family (#2 and #4).

They're the only people born in odd years (2005 and 2009); all the rest of us, including Jeff and I, were born in even ones.

They're the blonde boys; Josiah, Tobin, and Moriah have darker hair.

I personally think they most resemble the Fisher side of the family (even though Jeff would be quick to point out that Shav gets his hairline, with its indomitable cowlick, from my side).  :)

At meals, they sit beside each other on the north side of our table; Josiah and Tobin sit beside each other on the south side.

I notice a quick wit in both of them.  Their sharp minds and speedy tongues have produced hearty laughter in our family on multiple occasions.

Perhaps there are more similarities, but I'm too tired now to think of them.  I'm not too tired, however, to thank God once again for the gift of my David and my Shav!  :)


Unknown said...

I love the patterns that they have found. They are so smart.

Valerie said...

My kids are ready for us to have another one too! What is with that? :) They even got out our baby name book so they could choose a name based on meaning. We have a boys name picked out so they are thinking girl. They have been praying for twins. I think we need a bigger house. :)

**reading over that it might sound like there is a baby in our 9 month future. To my knowledge, there is not. :)

sally said...

Ahhh...well at least you have some time to figure it out. With all the sharp minds in your house, coupled with the long lists of names in the book of Numbers, I'm sure you all will come up with one!