Sunday, August 25, 2013


Peaches are golden.
So is silence.
That will be all then.


Anonymous said...

You know, I think you have a great method for getting the most peaches in a jar! I've always thought halves left so much unused space, thus taking more syrup. Yours look just as pretty and delicious as any jar of halves! Gail

Davene Grace said...

Thanks, Gail! Yes, I've discovered I can fit more in by dicing them; and you know, you can't eat a half a peach in one bite anyway. At some point, it has to be cut! ;-) Might as well do it before the canning, rather than after. :)

Dicing them does take a little more time during the prep time for canning, but I think it's worth it.

Thanks for commenting! :)