Sunday, August 18, 2013

Because I'll Miss This Someday

On the wall by our front door is a hand print.  See it there?
Maybe someday I'll wash it off.  Or paint over it (an even more remote possibility).  But for now, I'm leaving it there...and smiling when I see it.

I'm not sure whose hand made it, but I am certain that all the little hands in this house are growing into big hands; and like the older ladies who stop me in the grocery store tell me, "It goes so fast!  Enjoy each moment!"  I'm trying, and this hand print is a reminder to do just that.

Life is so full these days, so rich, so beautiful.  Even this day, which wasn't a particularly noteworthy day, gave me multiple treasures to store up in my memory bank...
~ I remember how Moriah happily walked and "danced" in her own way as our family sang worship songs together,
~ I remember how she stood at her daddy's feet and reached up as he handed out the communion elements, longing for a piece of cracker,
~ I remember how Josiah and David and I stood in a long line together at the fairgrounds this afternoon, waiting to pick up our ribbons...and how God planted a dear friend Lisa near us in line to lighten our hearts with conversation while we waited,
~ I remember how we visited an old friend Doris who is in the hospital...and how on our way out of the hospital, we happened to bump into another friend Eliza,
~ I remember Shav's cuddliness as we snuggled on the couch late this afternoon...and his happiness as I watched him jump from one couch to the other,
~ I remember Tobin's smile tonight as he slept for the first time in a new-to-him pair of Spiderman pajamas that I got last evening at Goodwill,
~ I remember my mother's joy and delighted exclamations as I showed her the other clothes I got at Goodwill (mostly for Moriah).  :)

All of these treasures - from just an ordinary day!

In the future when I am missing the ones who now put hand prints on my walls, I think I'll be thankful that I didn't wash that print away.  :)


sally said...

You are such a dose of good medicine for a weary soul like mine! I just love how you always dwell on the good side of things, always look for what is lovely and beautiful and of good report. I am so prone to worry and to carrying burdens, and you are showing me a better way. I'm hoping to learn (and with God's power) to walk more in that better way.

sally said...

Oh yes! Blessings to you for savoring each moment of these blessed, child-filled years!

Carolyn said...

Oh, I know what you mean I don't wash the little hand prints left by my Grandchildren and cherish the memories that made them!

Unknown said...

I am glad I am not the only one that enjoys those hand prints.

Unknown said...

I am glad I am not the only one that enjoys those hand prints.

Homeschool on the Croft said...

Such preciousness ... all in a day's blogpost :)

Lori said...

The hand print reminded me of my little sister. She would always sit and rock in a chair in the living room in the mornings and so her foot made an impression in the carpet. When she got married, for quite some parents would vacuum around that foot imprint because they could not stand for it not to be there anymore : (

So you keep that hand print just as long as you like :)