Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Third Farm's a Charm

Two days ago, we visited a dairy farm.  But they weren't milking when we were there.

One day ago, we visited a dairy farm.  But they weren't milking when we were there.

Today, we visited a dairy farm.
And they were milking!!  :)
 Erick had expressed a significant interest in seeing the process of milking, so my dad arranged with a nearby farmer for us to go early this evening while they were milking.  After watching for a while, Erick asked if he could use my camera, so I handed it over and he took quite a few pictures, including the following two:  :)

I am grateful for my dad coordinating this, for friendly farmers who don't mind extra youngsters around during milking time, for the opportunity to live in the country and share those simple delights with Erick this week...
...and for cows that make such yummy milk!  :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What fun!! Sounds like Erik is having a great time staying with you guys!