Thursday, August 8, 2013

This Is the Frog

This is the frog that Erick found.
This is the frog that Erick found yesterday when we were at Riven Rock.  (Well, is it a frog?  Maybe it's still a tadpole.  It has a long tail but has grown little legs.  Whatever it currently is, I believe it's becoming a frog.  So I'm going to call it that.)  ;-)

Anyway, where was I?  Oh yes!

This is the frog that Erick found yesterday when we were at Riven Rock, which got carried home in a cup and then placed in a big jar of water, rocks, and leaves and spent the night on our patio.

And this is that frog's new home.
This is the pond that belongs to our neighbors who said we could put the frog that Erick found at Riven Rock in it.
 This is Erick, gently dumping the frog into the water of its new home.
 These are the swans who came to investigate.
 This is Erick, watching the swans...
...and saying goodbye to the frog that he, Josiah, and David named Spike Froggy Puddleglum.

We hope the frog that Erick found has a beautiful life.  :)

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