Friday, August 2, 2013

Taking the Adventure that Is Sent Us

Those of you who are ardent Narnia fans may recognize the title as coming from the words of Prince Rilian before he and Puddleglum and Eustace and Jill leave the home of the witch underground and head towards the surface.

For the rest of you, the title may mean nothing more than this: our Fresh Air boy is on the way to us right now!!!  :)

About an hour ago, I posted this on Facebook:
We're just hours away from meeting our Fresh Air boy (although Tobin keeps mixing up the words and calling him our Air Freshener boy! "Fresh Air, Tobin...FRESH AIR!...or better yet, just call him Erick...but please DON'T call him our Air Freshener boy!!!").  Excitement is running high, for sure!! 

The house is clean from top to bottom.  Well, as clean as it gets around here, because just as soon as I think everything is relatively spick-and-span, someone goes outside and comes back in, and then there's a leaf and a half dozen pieces of grass on the floor.  Oh, well.  It's happy dirt.  :)

The kitchen table has had leaves added to it and an extra chair brought out.

A bed upstairs is freshly made, and on the wall beside it is this decoration done by my boys:

We are so excited to welcome Erick!!  :)

1 comment:

Valerie said...

Exciting! I can't wait to hear more about him! :)