Friday, August 9, 2013

The End of This Adventure

A week ago, a new adventure began for us.

Today it ended, as Erick, our Fresh Air boy, returned to his home in New York City.  When I asked him yesterday what he wanted to do first when he got back home, he said, "Give my mom a hug!!"  So sweet.  :)

Before he left this morning, Erick requested a photo with each of us individually; and--you know me--I'm always glad to take pictures.  :)

 I even got to snag one with him.  :)
 It was interesting to look around at the other host families, most of whom I did not know.  I was particularly impressed with how involved the conservative Mennonite community is in the Fresh Air Fund.  Can you see that there are six women with head coverings in this photo?  :)
 Well, after last hugs and goodbyes (and tears on the part of my sweet Tobin), it was time for Erick to get on the bus and head north... he could get that hug from his mom.  :)

(This particular adventure is over, but I have MANY more photos that I didn't take time to share during this past week.  I still plan to write more blog posts about this adventure, so even though it's officially over, it's not really over here on the blog.)  :)


Unknown said...

I bet he will remember visiting with your forever.

Jenn said...

From the little blurbs I've read on Facebook it sounds like you all had a wonderful time. I absolutely love these last photos, and especially the progression. It was fun watching Erik go from crouch position with Moriah to reaching up for you. Each photo shows a little boy lovingly putting himself on the same level (or trying with you) as the person he's come to care about. It's great!

Anonymous said...

Have been silently reading this fresh air adventure of yours. We sponsor children from afar, but I have been afraid to open our home to strangers, even kids. Seeing your family with Erick made me teary eyed.

Erick seems like such a sweet kid and the photos with your family shows how much your children have embraced him too.

You have opened me up to looking into something like this. Thank you.