Tuesday, March 19, 2013

When They Wake Up

I think it must be so...
 ...that all babies have a look when they first wake up: a sweet, funny little look that's different from their normal expressions.
 The sleep still clings to them, and it shows.
This is one of Moriah's post-nap looks that I captured recently...  :)


Sally said...

I think babies and little children in general are extra cute when they first wake up. I love it and always want to capture it on camera. You did a good job catching that just-woke-up cuteness in Moriah.

Mike and Katie said...

Yes, I love that little sleepy sweetness. Some how it's disappeared from the old ones and they are just crabby, whiny, and asking for food when they wake up. I always want to say, "Hey! I didn't tell you had to get up. Go back to bed!"

Unknown said...

I love that sleepy look in her eyes!