Saturday, March 9, 2013

The 11th Month {Preview}

Somebody awfully special is officially 11 months old today...
...and tonight I was going to write all about it.  :)

But, being as I am about 26 hours into a head-to-toe rash that, besides being itchy, has also made my hands swell and hurt, I'm going to skip the long post tonight and head to bed.  After all, a Benadryl-induced coma is drawing near for me; and I'd really hate to land on the floor when the tidal wave of sleepiness knocks me out cold.  ;-)

Tonight I fall asleep with enormous gratitude in my heart for these past 11 months with Moriah...and ardent longing in my heart that tomorrow, my rash will be gone!


Mike and Katie said...

Ack! How did she get to be 11 months already? My cousin has been having hives lately too. Very odd!

Aunt Helen said...

I bet you're allergic to "snowmen". Ha! Hope you're feeling better.