Sunday, March 3, 2013

I Can't Read and Write... the same time.

What I mean is this: when I spend a lot of time writing on my blog, I don't have as much time as I would like to read books.  The reverse is also true: when I spend a lot of time reading books, I don't have as much time as I would like to write on my blog.  Since I enjoy both activities so very much, I often feel pulled in both directions as I ponder how to spend the moments of free time that I carve out of my day (or more accurately, out of my night, because that's when most of my free time comes!).  :)

Today, reading took priority over writing.  That's what happens when a book as interesting as Roar of the Heavens by Stefan Bechtel comes along.  I had never heard of the book until Jeff came home from work one day with it in his hands and told me that one of his customers lent it to us.  At the time, I was reading Bringing Up Girls by Dr. Dobson and knew I needed to finish that first so I could return it to the library; but  I often glanced, with great anticipation, at the shelf where Roar of the Heavens was sitting.  As I expected, it's been hard to put it down since I started reading it...therefore, I didn't spend much time writing today.  That's OK--Sundays are a good day for reading.  :)

Rather than a lengthy post tonight, how about a picture or two?
I did manage to pull myself away from the book long enough to give Moriah a bath tonight.
Now, not only is she sweet of spirit, but she also smells sweet.  :)  A freshly-bathed baby is a scrumptious thing to sniff!  ;-)


Miriam said...

Haha, I am in the same boat. :)

Is Moriah showing us her biceps in those pictures? She's pretty cute, either way. ;)

Unknown said...

She is looks so happy!

Davene Grace said...

Miriam - I have no idea why she had that pose, but she kept it for quite a while! When the water is still running out of the faucet, she usually has her hand in that...otherwise, she'll often hold toys and things while in the tub. But apparently, she wanted to show off her arms while I snapped these photos! ;-)

Margie said...

Oh, look at her!

Margie said...

I'm back to this post, and am curious to know more about the book! I picked up 5 Conversations to Have with your Daughter, btw, but still haven't read it. E's 8 and IT'S TIME.

Davene Grace said...

Margie, I wish I could be a fly on the wall when you have some of those conversations with Elizabeth; I would love to learn from you!! :)

As far as the books I referred to in this post...Roar of the Heavens was fascinating for me, especially because much of it described events in Nelson County, Virginia, which is just over the mountain from us.

But I think you were probably actually referring to Bringing Up Girls. Here are my thoughts in a quick nutshell... :)
~ I'm glad I read it.
~ It actually wasn't quite as good as I thought it would be (although I feel bad for even saying that).
~ Dr. Dobson does a very thorough, convincing job laying out the challenges that are present in the task of bringing up girls.
~ I don't think he's does quite as good of a job at presenting solutions.
~ I was hoping for something more practical that would give me a game plan right now for how to bring up my girl.
~ But even still, I'm glad I read it. :)