Tuesday, March 12, 2013

If It Weren't for This Troublesome Rash...

...I would have missed out on some blessings.  So before I forget them and am tempted to only remember the agony of the past few days, let me make a list--a set of memorial stones before the Lord, so to speak.  :)

I am thankful for...

...a husband who meets needs when I can't.  Last Saturday evening he brought Chinese food home for the family, and for Sunday dinner he cooked spaghetti.  I was so grateful for his provision in the kitchen when I couldn't handle it!

...a husband who is not only compassionate but also practical and smart.  Two nights ago, when I had awakened in the night with a fresh wave of itching and was sitting up in bed practically clawing the skin off my feet, Jeff woke up, too, and reminded me that when he had a TERRIBLE case of sunburn that then blistered and itched horribly (the week before our wedding, wouldn't you know?), taking a HOT shower was the key to diminishing the itching.  He encouraged me to soak my feet in hot water and even offered to get a basin for me or whatever I needed.  As it turned out, I ended up sitting on a stool by the bathtub and soaking my feet in hot water--with some baking soda in it--in the tub while reading a book.  Wonder of wonders, it worked.  By the time I pulled my feet out, rubbed hydrocortisone cream all over them, and put on soft, warm socks, the itching was barely noticeable; and I was finally able to fall back into peaceful sleep.

...modern medicine!  Without Benadryl and Prednisone, I would likely still be half out-of-my-mind because of the pain and itching.  I'm reminded of what a blessing it is to live in this time and place where medicines such as these are so readily available.

...my dad, who not only knew what medicines would be helpful, but also happened to have them on hand and brought them to me when I needed them.

...my friend Sally, who quickly answered my email about whether it was OK to continue breastfeeding while taking Prednisone.  It's one thing to hear the "official" information, but more reassuring to hear from a friend who has personal experience.  Reading that she has taken Prednisone while breastfeeding with no adverse effects to her or her baby was hugely comforting, because I did NOT want to have to abruptly wean Moriah!  :)

...my mom, who has asked a number of times how I am feeling.  Her love and concern is evident in her eyes and tone of voice, and I know she would do whatever she could to take away my suffering.

...my children, who haven't minded my sluggishness and naps.  Of course they haven't; it's given them more time to watch movies and play on the computer!  ;-)  But seriously, I'm grateful that--except for Moriah, of course--they are all fairly self-sufficient; and the older ones can help the younger ones with some of the needs that arise in the course of a day.  Even on days when Jeff wasn't home, I was able to take a nap, knowing that the boys would be just fine without my attention for a while.

...restored health!  Today was a MUCH better day than the previous three and a half had been (I didn't even have to take a nap today!), and I am reminded of a thought I have probably every time I recover from some kind of physical illness:  what a blessing it is to have good health!!   I'm sure I wouldn't appreciate it nearly enough, if I didn't occasionally have days of feeling terrible.  My rash is not totally gone, but the improvement today has been considerable.  I don't know whether it's just because of the medicines or because the rash is truly going away; but whatever it is, I thank God for it!!!

And now, I'm hopeful that this will be my last post about my rash.  Who wants to spend all their time writing--or reading--about a rash??  I can think of much more lovely things to write about...hopefully soon...  :)


Sally said...

I am so glad to hear this! I've been pretty busy, but different times I've thought of you and have really been hoping I would soon find out you had gotten relief from the terrible itching. I'm so glad you're feeling better, and I'm hoping it will all soon be a distant memory. I am so with you on praising the Lord for modern medicines! It's great not to need them, but when you do, it's great to have them!

jilma said...

Glad you are better I have had you on my mind and even asked the Lord to touch you just over the weekend with out knowing anything about your rash :) praying for continued good health have a blessed rest of the week!!

jilma said...

Glad you are better I have had you on my mind and even asked the Lord to touch you just over the weekend with out knowing anything about your rash :) praying for continued good health have a blessed rest of the week!!

Unknown said...

I am so glad you are feeling better.

Margie said...

So sorry you're having to deal with the eczema. You do so much, and it seems crazy to add that to all that you juggle. But I'm also glad modern medicine provides a bit of relief. Praise God for that blessing!