Thursday, March 14, 2013

A Once-a-Year Celebration

It really would have been more convenient--here in the middle of this week in which my usual activities and my carefully-constructed plans have been derailed by a crazy rash and, as a result, I feel behind in...oh...just about every area of life--to pretend to forget that the date today was of any mathematical significance.

Pi Day.

But since it only comes once a year, and since it's such a sweet celebration, it seemed worth the effort to observe it.

Last year we celebrated with grape pie.  This year the recipe for Colorado peach pie caught my eye, so I made two this afternoon...which is fortunate because we finished up an entire one for supper tonight, and I'm glad to know that there's another one left for tomorrow.  :)
I will admit to using the shortcut of bought crusts.  I'll also admit that, last minute, I realized that I didn't have one of the ingredients: sour cream.  So I did what any normal country housewife would do: started calling the neighbors.  ;-)  When I called my parents, they looked in their refrigerator but didn't find any sour cream; Dad kindly offered to run into town to get some for me though, but I told him that it wasn't that important.  In the back of my head I was thinking that I would just settle for a different kind of pie, but not before calling some other neighbors.  When Wilma answered and I asked if she had any sour cream, she said, "I wish I did."  But then she offered to have her daughter Rosalie run up to the corner store to see if they had any.  Why hadn't I thought of that?  I told her that no, Rosalie didn't need to run that errand for me!  But she was rather insistent, and a few minutes later, in walked Rosalie into my kitchen, beaming, with a tub of sour cream for me.  I tried to pay her for it, but she wouldn't accept any money.  I did, however, manage to give her a dozen eggs from our chickens.

It's good to have such wonderful neighbors.  ;-)

Oh, and happy Pi Day to all!!  :)


Valerie said...

This makes me smile. Not everyone has neighbors like that, but they sure are a blessing when you have em. (I think my neighbor would look at me like I was trying to rob them if I asked to borrow something, but growing up we could always count on the neighbors)

Sally said...

I had no earthly idea that this was a celebrated day until I started seeing a few things about it on FB today, and then reading your FB post and this. I'm really out of the loop! Next year we'll just have to bake some pie on this day. Any excuse to have pie is good enough for me. I did make two pies last Sat., a cherry and an apple, so we haven't exactly been shorted on pie this week.

Your pie looks scrumptious! I might have to google that recipe and try it sometime.

Davene Grace said...

Valerie - I can't imagine YOU looking like you were going to rob anyone!! :)

Sally - your family is regularly blessed with your delicious baked goodies, while the rest of us just do this once in a while. ;-) The recipe, by the way, is from Marjorie Rohrer's you have that one?

Miriam said...

I *need* that cookbook! :) I thought about making a pie yesterday; it's the thought that counts, right? Actually, carpet shampooing took longer than I thought it might and pie didn't happen. I'll enjoy looking at yours, though!

JFisher777 said...

And now that it is FryDay.... does that mean we can have Fried apples tonight, honey?

Unknown said...

The pie looks wonderful! You have the best neighbors.

Anonymous said...

In 3 years we can have a "super pie" day when the date is 3/14/16 which is the value of Pi to the 4th digit rounded off. Then we will probably need a lot of pies to eat.


Pam said...

I love that you make Pie for Pi day. What fun that is. Good neighbors are a wonderful gift. I hope your rash is feeling better. I get a rash on my hands that I have to deal with (I believe it is eczema... but haven't had it diagnosed). I like Benadryl cream (and some takes take Benadryl if it is really bad, and that helps like you said.) I have also been using zinc cream which really helps as well. Happy Pi day ... a day or two late.

Margie said...

Wow - what a great story! I didn't expect that to be the ending. So glad you had a great Pi day. I, needless to say, DIDN'T bake a pie...but no one, thankfully, noticed.