Monday, August 13, 2012


Teaching my children at home.

Experiencing the delight of learning together.

Making memories on a daily basis.

Seeing the growth that comes, even from the times of friction.

Standing in awe as they grow and change and develop their character and become who they're going to be - not just extensions of me, but brand new individuals in the world, capable of making a mark.
These are true privileges, and today, our first day of school, was enough to remind me of how rich I am.

Rich, because I get to wear two hats...

Mother and teacher.


Luke Holzmann said...

May the rest of the continue to bring with it joys and wonder!


Anonymous said...

I hope it is a wonderful school year!

Anonymous said...

I hope today was great!! Love the picture of your students :-) We are starting a week from today!