Sunday, August 19, 2012

You Know What's Amazing?

Well, OK, a lot of things are amazing...God's grace, the resurrection of Jesus, the parting of the Red Sea, DNA, the stripes of a zebra, the Grand Canyon, murmuration...just to mention a few.  ;-)  But none of those are the amazing thing I'm thinking about tonight.

It's her:
 And it's the memory of a talk that I had with David last summer, recorded in this blog post.  When I told Josiah and David about the (very early) miscarriage that I had had just a few weeks prior to our conversation, David was quiet for a little bit while Josiah and I talked; but then David broke in with a question:  "Do you feel pregnant yet?"  Of course, I didn't.  That was so silly to even ask that, right?  But David continued, as if to explain his question:  "Well, I already prayed about it!"  In that blog post I wrote, "If only answers to prayer came that quickly, David Dear... ;-)"
 But you see, it did.

The answer came that fast.

Although I don't know the exact date of that conversation (the blog post is dated July 25, but I don't know when the talk happened), it's entirely possible that, even at that moment when I was sitting on the couch with David, laughing inside myself at the absurdity of his question, God had already started to knit together a baby in my womb.  It's possible that I was, at that very time, pregnant.  To conceive again so soon after the miscarriage (and during a time of uncertainty because of a missed Rhogam shot) was not even in the realm of possibility, according to my thoughts.  But David's faith--such beautiful, childlike faith--was greater than mine...and God's thoughts--how lovely they are!--were higher than mine.
 And so, Moriah came to be.  Prayed for at the very beginning of her life by her big brother David.
That, to me, is AMAZING!

1 comment:

Homeschool on the Croft said...

Wow - that *is* amazing. And very beautiful.
Oh, to have faith as a little child more often ... I know I'd be a lot better of for it.
And what a blessing for this little child, and for David: they will always have that bond between them - that he prayed for her even at that early stage :)