Saturday, August 25, 2012

Random Notes on a Saturday Night

* It does NOT feel like August.  This cool, rainy weather is a far cry from the image I have in my head of August being hot and dry.  But mercifully, there is joy and beauty in cool and rainy, just as much as in hot and dry.  Wouldn't it be dull if our weather was the same all the time?  :)

* Tonight, for our date night, Jeff and I drove clear over to the other side of the county--the Eastern Wilds ;)--to drop off part of a barber chair that needs welding.  Not the most romantic date night, but I learned long ago that all I care about is just being with Jeff.  Finding our way through back country roads to a welding shop or eating dinner in a candlelit restaurant, it makes no difference.  I love that man for who he is, not for any other reason.

* While getting ready for bed tonight, Shav was wearing a Superman mask; and I was reminded again how hard it is for me to take any of my boys seriously when they're wearing that mask.  If I ever have to talk intently with them or correct them, they'd better not be wearing that mask, or I'd be in some serious trouble.  I find it nearly impossible to keep a straight face in the presence of a pint-sized Superman.  :)

* Once upon a time, my dad gave my daughter a bottle...
 ...and I had to capture the moment.  Moriah is loved more than she'll ever know.

* When we lived in San Diego, seeing aircraft in the sky was so commonplace that it became insignificant.
 Here in our corner of the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, however, it doesn't happen nearly as often.
 But when it does, it captures our attention enough to make us raise our eyes skyward to see what is passing over.
Sometimes I think of the verse, "Oh, that I had the wings of a dove!  I would fly away and be at rest..." (Psalm 55:6).

* Back in April, I printed out the letters of Moriah's name and let the boys color them however they wanted to; then I cut them out and taped them onto the side of the armoire in her room, right at the foot of the changing table.
 The amount of pleasure I get from simply seeing her name is slightly ridiculous.  ;)
Which reminds me...  Jeff's mom is coming next month for another visit, and I want to print out the letters of her name and let the boys color them, then cut them out and put them on the door of the room where she'll sleep.  If tomorrow is rainy like today, that might be a good late afternoon project for them.  :)

* David lost another tooth today: his second.  It had gotten so wiggly over the past few days that I was sure it would fall out sometime today.  When he was complaining about it hurting this morning, I offered to help him get it out; when he reluctantly agreed, I made a loop out of dental floss to try to hook around it and yank it out.  It didn't go so well, and he didn't want me to continue, so I acquiesced.  There was no hurry.

At lunch, he took one bite of his peanut butter & jelly sandwich; and out came the tooth.  :)

Since David has been losing his baby teeth, he knows very well that other teeth will grow in to replace them; but he couldn't remember what those teeth were called.  One day recently he said, "When my parent teeth grow in..."  ;)

* I am extraordinarily tired.  Maybe it's the cool, rainy weather--perfect for snuggling under a blanket and reading a book.  I think I'll do just that.  :)

* There's a boy in my bed.  It's David, who came over a while ago to say good night but then crawled into the bed and pulled the covers up under his chin...and now he's asleep.  I'll let him stay there until Jeff comes up.

* Good night, moon.  I'm remembering Neil Armstrong tonight and appreciating his contributions to our knowledge of God's wonderful creation.  Praying comfort for his family...

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