Monday, August 6, 2012

The Other Kind of "Mint"

Tonight at the dinner table, one of those "foolish and stupid arguments" broke out - all because of a beverage my parents brought to share.  You see, they have a wonderful bed of mint growing beside their house, so my mother often makes mint tea and brings it up to our house for whoever wants to drink some.  This evening, one of the boys called it mint tea, but another boy said, "No, it's peppermint tea."   They started to go back and forth about it; but my mother, peacemaker that she is, jumped in and started to explain that they were both right, one of them was just being more specific in the name, and that there are different kinds of mint.  "There's peppermint and spearmint..." she began, then was cut off by Shav's cheerful little voice, happy to have something to add to the conversation, exclaiming, "Like cement!"  Oh, dear.  Not exactly.  If anyone tries to serve you cement tea, you'd better turn and run as fast as you can!  ;-)

On another note, here are some pictures from David's family night about a week and a half ago.  I mentioned in this post that Jeff took the boys bowling, and I stayed home to can peaches.  One thing that I appreciate about Jeff is that quite often, when he is out with one or more of the boys, he'll take pictures with his cell phone and email them to me; I love being connected in that way and having a glimpse of whatever they're doing together!  :)  On the night of the bowling adventure, these are some pictures he took on his camera and sent to me.

David bowling...
...and Josiah...
Even Tobin had fun rolling the balls down...
 ...but Shav didn't want to do it.  His fingers in his ears show what he really thought of it: it was too loud!  ;-)
 What is Tobin doing in this picture?  I really couldn't say.
But one thing I can say is that I'm crazy about these boys.  Whether they're hanging out as a band of brothers at the bowling alley or cracking me up at the dinner table with a quip about cement tea, they make me a very happy mommy!  


Homeschool on the Croft said...

Oh .... no wonder you're crazy about them! Your header photo is - well, I could *eat* it! Good for Jeff for taking the boys out for a fun night now and again :)

Miriam said...

Cement tea? LOL!!!

Unknown said...

It looks like they had a wonderful time!