Saturday, August 11, 2012

Shav's First Attempt at Photography

This boy...
 ...whom I love so much it makes me ache...
 ...wanted to take a picture this evening.  So I (somewhat reluctantly) handed over my camera.  
I'm used to sharing it with the boys, and I don't mind that at all, but Shav is only three, and the camera is rather large and bulky for a little guy.  Nevertheless, I put my fears aside, put the camera strap around his neck, put the camera in his hands, put his finger on the button, and put myself on his level because he wanted to take a picture of me (I'm honored!).  Well, a picture of the door, and a picture of me - those were his two wishes, and I figured we could kill two birds with one stone, so to speak.  This was the result.
He made me laugh because he was having a really hard time looking through the camera, so to "find" me from his position behind the camera, he would swing his whole head around so his eye that was not looking through the camera could see me.  But of course, by doing that, the camera was not pointing at me any longer; and I was never quite sure if he would get the camera swung back around to face in my general direction again before he took the picture.

It's a humble beginning for his future in photography, nu?  But even greatness has to start somewhere.  :)

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