Thursday, August 2, 2012

How Many Fisher Kids Fit... a playpen?
 It would appear the answer is five; but if we had more children, the number might very well be higher!
The story behind the pictures is this...  I had put Moriah in the playpen; and then one by one, her brothers climbed in to be with her.  I watched to make sure there was no horseplay that could injure her, but the boys were wonderfully gentle and tender.  Can you tell?
 Those fifth children.  They're so neglected.  ;-)
Hardly anyone ever pays attention to them.  ;-)

And speaking of playpens...

It's a funny thing about playpens.  When Josiah was a baby, we lived in Israel and had a playpen there for him.  Apparently that was quite a counter-cultural thing to do because most people who came over to our apartment and saw the playpen looked askance at us, as if confining a child to a playpen were some kind of cruel and unusual punishment.  But it never failed: if those critics had children, guess where those children wanted to play?

You've got it:  the playpen.  :)


Unknown said...

I really love this picture!

Sally said...

Your kids have always had so much fun with the playpen (I remember pictures from other posts). Somehow, I almost exclusively use our Pak-n-play as an extra bed. I usually have Rachel take 1 nap a day in it, just so she'll stay used to sleeping there in case we need her to.

Maybe I'm depriving my kids of lots of fun, not letting them play in it. I don't know. I am afraid someone would get hurt if I didn't closely monitor the situation if I let Rachel Anne in there with siblings. But, I might try it sometime.

Miriam said...

Sally, I don't know... after seeing Hannah and Marie (I think?) sitting on Rachel the other day, you might need to let Rachel get a bit bigger and dependent before letting them all loose in the playpen together. :)