Sunday, July 15, 2012

Busy, Blessed, and a Bumbo

Whew!  Life is busy!  The past few days have been filled with extra activities - a family reunion today, a guest for dinner last night, other guests for dinner the night before.  Which leads me to my second point...

Blessed.  I am so blessed - by relationships, by material provisions, by safety and security and comfort and abundance, by the family God has given me.  In so many ways, I feel indescribably and undeservingly blessed.

So, the Bumbo...  Today was the first day I got the Bumbo out for Moriah to sit in.  I wasn't sure how she would do in it; but even though she gradually leaned further and further to the side until she was practically licking the Bumbo, she did seem to enjoy it.
 Of course, that may have been because she was watching big brother Shav, and it was so much fun to see what he was doing!
 I'm sure today was just the beginning of many times of Moriah sitting in the Bumbo.
And now, this busy and blessed mother of a Bumbo-sitting girl is off to get some sleep.  Isn't it wonderful how God designed our bodies to need - and enjoy - rest?  Isn't it such a delightful feeling to stretch out in a horizontal position and feel the strain start to ease away from tired, achy muscles?  Isn't bedtime fantastic?  :)


Miriam said...

Susannah is sitting on my lap and wanted to know Shav's name. Then she asked "play snowman toys?" I told her that sometime we would have to go visit you all so she can play with your "snowman toys". :)

Davene Grace said...

Miriam - you can tell Susannah that she is welcome to come play with our "snowman toys" (and all the other toys) anytime she can talk her mama into driving over the mountain!! We'd love to have her (and you! and Sylvia! and Daniel!). ;-)