Thursday, July 7, 2011

This Is the Summer in which...

 ...we have two sons who are accomplished independent readers, and scenes like this are common in our home.
It's no surprise that Josiah has spent countless hours of his summer devouring books since he's been quite a bookworm for several years; but when I see David quietly curled up with a book, I remember how, just last summer, the books he read were done with me at his side, sitting on the couch with him, listening to his words, helping with the hard ones, correcting pronunciation, etc.  But now, he goes to the shelf, picks a book, plops down on the couch, reads it all by himself, then proudly jumps up to mark another one off his chart for the library summer reading program and to announce to me the latest book he's read.  He, by the way, is the first in our family to reach the goal of 25 books and fill up his chart; and he's excited about the fact that this year, the library will let readers start over, fill up another chart, and get more prizes!  :)

Some of David's favorites this summer are the Amelia Bedelia books, the Mr. Putter & Tabby ones, and the Henry & Mudge series.  He whips through them so fast that I'm left shaking my head and thinking, "We'd better get some longer books for him to read."  ;-)

Speaking of books...  On the morning of Independence Day, I asked Josiah if he could please read Happy Birthday, America to Tobin (and David, of course, came over to listen, too).
I figured that, rather than me trying to read it and having to stop because of getting all choked up, I'd just go ahead and let Josiah do the honors.  And you know what?  That boy didn't shed a single tear as he read.

How very stoic of him.  ;-)


Sally said...

This all looks so peaceful and calm! I'm glad you have two independent readers. Hopefully that will be the case in our house next summer. I'm anxious to resume teaching Hannah to read once the swimming lessons are over.

Sounds like you are enjoying summer to the fullest. I'm trying to enjoy ours, but it is SO BUSY! Whew! I need to take lessons from you!

Emily Sacra said...

Was David reading Henry and Mudge? :) I'd know the dad's mustache anywhere! Haha!


Julie said...

So sweet! We captured a similar moment last night where Kirk was lying on the floor with a book in the air reading aloud, and the 3 little girls were lying all around him listening intently. It was peaceful and precious. For a few minutes, at least! Gotta savor those moments.

Unknown said...

This is so exciting. I bet they love to read to each other.

Amber said...

Congrats! I know that that is a huge accomplishment! It's one that I've recently experienced with my 7 year old this summer too!

Unknown said...

Isn't it great when they read to eachother! So many positive things some with independent reading!

Homeschool on the Croft said...

How very stoic indeed.... *this* mum tears up constantly, and the kids just roll their eyes and 'give her a moment'!
Fantastic seeing the boys, one by one, sitting reading, isn't it :)