Thursday, July 28, 2011

A Prince and a King

This is one of the handsome princes that inhabit our tiny kingdom...

...but this...
...THIS is a king.  And all his queens know it.  :)


Anonymous said...

hehe love it!! That picture of Tobin is sooo sweet!

Homeschool on the Croft said...

Well, the second photo sure aint as cute as the first, but I'm guessing his queens wouldn't agree.... and I wouldn't like to argue with him - doesn't he have 'the eye'.... would you dare contradict him!
Fabulous :)

Sally said...

Wow! You do have a handsome prince. That, king, though, I agree with the previous commenter, has "the eye". I'll let him think what he will.
I hope we never both join our sons in some "handsome" pageant, because I just know there would be no way to choose a winner!

Sarah-Anne said...

whoa, flashing back to our chicken days...& it's not pretty, ha! love YOUR prince, though. :)