Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Still Here

We're still here.  Just a little busy, that's all.  

Let's see...  Left the house Sunday at about 7:00 AM and returned about 8:00 PM.  Went swimming at a friend's house on Monday morning, then a violin lesson for Josiah in the afternoon, then unexpected (but delightful) guests in the evening.  Today, met friends at a park, then stopped at another friend's house for play and conversation.  The lovely Kathryn came this afternoon to play with the boys.  We had guests for dinner, then an incredible Bible study with a young couple until...oh...11:45 PM or so.  Lots and lots of people time.

My laundry is piling up.  My schedule for housecleaning has been completely disregarded.  The weeds in my front flowerbed are threatening to grow up so high they block the front door.  But I've been reminded the past few days that time with people is what matters.

Because people are the only things we get to take to heaven with us.


Homeschool on the Croft said...

Oh that face!! He is soooo adorable!

But you're right. I spend a lot of my time with folks in and out, here for meals, here for a night or two. Does it ever tire me out? You bet it does? Does the housework ever suffer? Hah! Too right! But I still wouldn't swap the fact we have an open door....
So well put - as usual, Davene :)

Unknown said...

People are the only thing that really matters.

Unknown said...

What wonderful opportunities you have been given to share, play, and learn!

Kristy said...

I love this Davene. What a great perspective. I need to remind myself often that the housework isn't going anywhere, but the people in our lives are what mattes. Thanks for the reminder!

PS. And that little face is absolutely scrumptious!