Friday, July 15, 2011

They Still Fit

It doesn't always happen that all four of my sons are in the bathtub together.  In fact, it doesn't often happen.  To be quite honest, it rarely happens.  But it happened last night.

From my oldest... my youngest...
...they all managed to fit in one little ol' bathtub.
Can you guess how much fun they had?
 You can?
 What was your first clue?
 The crazy looks on their faces?
 Especially Shav--whew!  He's developing quite a sense of humor.  Maybe he learned it from his big brother David.
 Those two are such hams, we might as well change our last name to Burger.
When I am an old gray-haired lady, tottering around with my cane and posting Facebook status updates about my arthritis and all the prescriptions I need to get filled, I'll remember when...
...four little-but-getting-big-fast boys fit in my tub.


Sally said...

I think I can remember when Mom put all 4 of us in the tub at once for baths. We all wanted to be the last one washed so we could stay in the longest (we had to exit as she washed us). I'm sure your guys will have great memories of this (and you, of course, too).

Davene Grace said...

My boys often compete to be the last one out, too. :)

Thanks for sharing your memories; it's so interesting to me now, as an adult, to imagine how your mom did things and ran her household!

Unknown said...

What wonderful bubble fun! They look so happy!