Sunday, September 21, 2014

Soccer on Sunday

It's not what we normally do on Sunday afternoons; but last weekend, a rain shower on Saturday morning pushed Tobin and Shav's soccer game from its normal time to a different slot.  The advantage of that change (besides the fact that I was able to go visit my mom on Saturday morning during the time I would otherwise have been at the game) was that Jeff, who normally works on Saturdays, was able to come watch Tobin and Shav play soccer - a special treat to have him there!  :)

I sure do love watching my kids.  Whether they're climbing on their daddy, carrying around a stuffed puppy upside down, or chasing a black and white ball across the grass, they bring such delight to me; and I sit...and watch...and soak in the sight of their youth and vigor and joy.

I can never get enough of them.


Valerie said...

Picture number 24 made me laugh. Is that the coach in the background? Cracks me up.
Moriah holding both her cup and her stuffed animal upside down made me smile too.

Davene Grace said...

Yes, that's the coach. That facial expression is probably a pretty good indication of what it's like to try to teach a group of four- to six-year-olds to play soccer. ;-)