Friday, September 19, 2014

I Was Missing My Mom So Much

Since my mother's move to a nursing home, I haven't seen her nearly as often as I would have liked; and I found myself really missing her.  Fortunately, the solution was simple.  :)  I asked Dad if he would be willing to bring her out to our house this afternoon so she could spend some time with us and then have supper with us, and then I would take her back to the nursing home after we ate.  Dad was willing, and it all went so smoothly--such a gift for my aching heart!

I cannot tell you how good it was to have my mother here again in my see her familiar form in my kitchen, a place she has spent so many hours of her life (since she lived in this home 33 years before moving out so I could replace her as the chief in this kitchen) ;-) hear her ask what she could do to give her the simple task of washing a bowl of eggs from our chickens... see her working side by side with my children... get her settled in the rocking chair in the living room so she could listen to Josiah play his violin...
 ...and watch Shav do somersaults on the couch... have her wander back into the kitchen to offer her help then work together as we chopped potatoes for the potato soup we enjoyed for see her across the table as we rejoice that once again, all the chairs around our table were filled.

It did this daughter's heart good, I tell you, to simply BE with my mother again.

After we finished eating, I took her back to her new home; and David, Shav, and Moriah came along.  As we walked in, the other residents were sitting together around a long table, playing Bingo.  :)  They perked up at the sight of us and welcomed my mother back...especially Lola, a woman who caught my eye from the very first time I toured the facility--she has become a caring friend to my mother, and she enjoys putting puzzles together at a table near the piano when my mom is playing her beautiful music there.  It's sweet to see their friendship in these twilight years of their lives.

I still wish my mom didn't have Alzheimer's.  I still wish life's journey hadn't taken us down this path.  I still miss my mom.

But our time together this evening reminded me of something:  I still have her.

My heart finds peace again...


sally said...

So sweet to read this! How wonderful that the sadness in your heart found a balm, and it was one that enriched and benefited so many people.

Homeschool on the Croft said...

Aww Davene, I think of you so often, and the trial that is part of this season in your life. I'm so glad you were able to have this day, and evening. No doubt, it gladdened your mum's heart too
Anne x

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful afternoon! I know your mom just loved it! So glad she is close enough you guys can see her often (even though it's not as often as you would like!). Yay for wonderful women like Lola!