Friday, January 25, 2013

Random Thoughts While Mopping a Kitchen Floor

I mopped the floor a few days ago; and while I did it, I thought...

~ How long has it been since I mopped this floor anyway?

~ Does the fact that I can't even remember the last time mean that it's been a REALLY long time ago, or is it possible that I did it more recently and just sort of forgot about it?  ;-)

~ If my Facebook friends knew how long ago I last mopped this floor, would they all suddenly unfriend me? ;-)

~ Thank You, God, that when my parents were choosing the tile for this floor, they didn't choose white or another light color!  These darker shades in the tile work so much better at concealing dirt.  What would I have done if they had chosen white???  ;-)

~ that dark streak that I thought was part of the tile?  It wasn't.  It just disappeared when I mopped over it.  Interesting.

~ I don't know what kind of scientific reaction happens; but some of these food particles, when allowed to rest on this tile floor, have mysteriously turned into a type of cement.  They are NOT coming off!  Where's my jackhammer when I need it?  ;-)

~ Whew, this is quite a workout.  My heart rate is elevated, arms are pumpin' some iron (is there iron in my mop?), legs are doin' some lunges, abdomen is holdin' it all together.  I'm gonna lose weight today, for sure!  ;-)

~ Ouch!  I'm not as young as I used to be.  Oh, my aching back.  I'd better take a break.

~ If I mopped more often, it sure wouldn't be this difficult or take this long.  I'll get right on that...

~ When this floor gets mopped next week, I am not going to be the one to do it.  I'll give one of my boys the job, and they'll think it's great fun to get to splash around with a bucket of water and a mop on this floor!

~ Maybe I should jot down all these thoughts and turn this into a blog post.  It might make someone out there smile.  Either that, or make them pat themselves on the back because they would never be so lax about mopping their kitchen floor.  One or the other.  :)


bekahcubed said...

Well, you have definitely made me smile-and laugh out loud at the last part, since I certainly HAVE let my own kitchen get that bad.

Emily said...

I said similar things when I mopped my floor last time! That is one chore that I hate!

Valerie said...

I do have a white floor. (It will be replaced sometime this year) I remember the last time I mopped, it was so long ago that I dare not share or you might unfriend me. ;)

Ruth said...

So I'm not the only one who hasn't mopped their kitchen floor for a looooong time?! But I'm still too ashamed to admit just how long that is....One of these days I WILL get it done! ;)

Mike and Katie said...

The flooring at the new house definitely did not have "high-hiding" in it's description. I'm not sure if I should be annoyed by how often we have to sweep and mop now or repulsed by how infrequently we used to sweep and mop before.

Miriam said...

I won't unfriend you if you won't unfriend me. ;) I don't remember the last time my floor saw a mop, or bucket & rag. When we picked it out, we picked it out to hide dirt well (the back/main door opens into the kitchen), which makes it easier to overlook. :)

Margie said...

I'm not sure you would let your boys step foot in my house if you knew how long the floor has not been mopped. Thankfully, my neighbors don't know I read your blog, so they won't see this comment! I wish mopping was something I loved and did more often...but, no.