Saturday, November 3, 2012

Recipe Box - Smoothie 5: The David

Ever since we started getting into smoothies, even to the point of naming one for each member of the family, David has been watching and waiting.  First, came Smoothie 1: The Davene.  Then, Smoothie 2: The Jeff.  Next, Smoothie 3: The Josiah.  And even Smoothie 4: The New Baby, in honor of Moriah before she was even born!  But no Smoothie 5: The David.

Until now.  ;-)

When I asked David what fruit he would like in his smoothie, he said strawberries.  So we looked online at strawberry smoothie recipes; and when I found one that called for frozen strawberries, strawberry ice cream, milk, and the option of adding strawberry yogurt, he thought that sounded like a winner.  Couldn't be simpler.  :)

Today I just used the strawberries, ice cream, and milk; and when I poured it out for David to do a taste test and tell me if it needed anything else, he took a sip, grinned, and pronounced it "perfect."  After he drank a little more, he said, "It tastes like a milkshake!"  

He's right; it does.

That led into a discussion about what the difference is between a smoothie and a milkshake, and I couldn't tell him the answer.  Anybody know?  Is it the presence of ice cream?

This isn't the healthiest smoothie I've ever made, to be sure; but it certainly made a small boy (who's been waiting ever so long for his own smoothie!) happy.  :)  If I had had some fresh spinach leaves, I would have added those to boost the nutritional value--maybe next time.  I thought about adding a raw egg to it, but decided to leave it alone for today.

After all, David was the boss, and I had to do what he told me to.  

So what if it tasted more like a dessert than a smoothie!  ;-)

1 comment:

Sally said...

I love smoothies, but I just cannot bring myself to put raw eggs in one. I couldn't even eat one that someone else had put raw eggs into. Thanks for not "contaminating" David's smoothie with raw eggs!