Thursday, November 8, 2012

I Shall Be Random, Vol. 4

~ 1 ~

Music is an important part of life in our household.
 (Not to mention, a very fun part...)
 I'm grateful for all the music that fills our home these days...
 ...and the music that will, Lord willing, fill it in years to come.  :)

~ 2 ~
Sometimes I just have to shake my head when I see the typos that appear nearly everywhere in cyberspace. Like the time on Facebook when I saw a comment (on a post by someone else) about "condo lances."  Huh?  Condo lances?  I have never heard of such a thing before, have you?  But whatever it is, it sure doesn't sound good!

When I read the surrounding words more closely however, I figured it out:  "You have my heart felt condo lances..."  Aha.  Condolences, that's what it is.  Now I get it.

~ 3 ~
Collies are known to be good watchdogs.
 Ours seems to be no exception to this.  He is often found lying right by the door...
...guarding the gate, so to speak.  We are grateful for him!  :)

~ 4 ~
Oh, the questions they ask!  Today, some of the questions put to me by my boys were...
~ What was the first animal that God made?
~ Will there be poisonous snakes in heaven? (To which I could give a resounding "NO" for an answer.)  :)
~ What is half of a molecule?
~ Does God poop?  (My profound answer to that one was, "No, I don't think so, but Jesus did when He lived here on earth."  Rather mind-boggling to little ones.)  :)

~ 5 ~
If you're a VeggieTales fan, do you recognize who this character is?
It's Gideon, and David's been practicing how to draw him.  I think he's getting pretty good at it.  :)

~ 6 ~
More of David's art.  This one is a composition that's been adorning our refrigerator lately.  He called it "Parts of Me."

 I like his hands a lot.  He doesn't actually have a ring like that (nor a bracelet? or whatever that thing on his wrist is), but I like how he drew them; and I especially like the detail he put into the knuckles.  :)

~ 7 ~
A verse that's especially meaningful to me tonight...
"In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength..."  (Isaiah 30:15)

~ 8 ~
And lastly, a song that is the cry of my heart tonight...
"Jesus, You be lifted high!"

1 comment:

bekahcubed said...

Wonderful bits of randomness. I love these little glimpses into your life!