Saturday, June 9, 2012

Two Months Since the Day...

...sweet Moriah was born, and my whole world changed in the most wonderful way!
I have loved the process of getting to know this darling little creature; and although Moriah still spends much of her time sleeping, I did notice a change in her about two weeks ago.  At about six weeks of age, she started staying awake for longer periods of time, making eye contact more, and having more frequent smiles.    Not that I could prove it from her pictures!  I still haven't managed to capture a great smile from her in a photo.  Oh, well, it will come...  :)
Moriah now weighs eleven and a half pounds, and is 22 inches long.  Most of her newborn clothes are packed away (or need to be), and now she wears mostly 0-3 month clothes and even some 3-6 month things.
She is still quite easy-going and relaxed--very easy to care for.  However, once in a while, she'll have a fussy evening; and from what I can tell, it happens when we've been away from home for a while or our routine has been interrupted and she's gotten overly tired.  It seems to be true with her that a well-rested baby sleeps much better than an exhausted one, even though you might think that the more tired the baby, the better she'll sleep.  Not so with her!  When I know that we've been gone and she hasn't gotten good rest wherever we've been and I think that she's headed for a fussy spell, I try my best to lower my expectations of anything else that I might get done so that I can focus on her and help her through it.  And you know what?  We always make it through.  ;-)
One of Moriah's favorite things at two months of age is the swing; and because she loves it so much and it makes life so easy, I actually let her have some of her daytime sleep in it.  One of these days I'll transition her to taking all her naps in her crib; but for now, I really don't mind using the swing some for that.  Fortunately, Moriah sleeps great in her crib at night, so it's not as if she can't sleep without the swing.  ;-)  Speaking of nights, now that she's two months old, I know that she's at the age at which most of my boys started sleeping through the night; but I haven't pushed it with her yet.  Her regular habit is to wake once in the night to nurse and then go right back to sleep again, and that is so manageable for me!  To tell you the truth, I haven't been nearly as desperate for sleep this time around, so I haven't minded the night wakings.  Not that I'll complain when she starts sleeping through the night though...  ;-)

When I think of Moriah at this stage of her life, the word that comes to mind is "delight."  Truly she is a delight to me and to all of us here in our household!  :)

(I can't let this day go by without wishing a very happy anniversary to my parents!  Today they're celebrating 49 years of marriage!!!  I love you, Dad & Mom!)  :)


Sally said...

What a wonderful (and encouraging) update on Moriah. She sounds like a darling little girl, the one everyone dreams of having. She is positively lovely!

Boy, I know about the fussy evening bit. Most of Rachel's evenings are fussy. When I look back on it, I also think it might be due to going away and messing up her schedule. Then I get in the quandary of, do I go away and then spend 4-5 hours in the evening and early night dealing with a fussy baby? Or, do I (or all of us) just stay home and have a nicer evening? So far, we haven't stayed home on Rachel's behalf, but I sure have been tempted!

Margie said...

Two months already! Right around this time is when I got the Christmas card/baby announcement shot of Sarah and E and caught one of the newly emerging smiles from Sarah on film. But right around this time is when I really began to falter - I began to realize the infant sleep pattern of Sarah's wasn't going away any time soon. (And, as you know, it didn't for some time.) Sarah asked me if she smiled a lot as a baby, and I told her yes - that we had played peek a boo often and she would laugh and laugh. When I told her she hugged me and stayed close all day - something about her knowing she was well-loved as a baby made her happy. I hope that one day you can share that with Moriah - although the boys might tell her first!

Margie said...

Forgot to say I'm placing something(s) in the mail to you soon!

Lisa said...

I love the amount of pink in your pictures now! It's sweet! Moriah has gotten so big and I can see that she is completely adored by her brothers. Even if you never wrote about it — you can see it on their faces. Video is always good, but photography captures the moment in no way that video can. The feelings and emotions are frozen.

Happy 2months Miss Moriah.