Friday, June 1, 2012

Second Chances {A Trip to Riven Rock}

Since Monday was a holiday, Jeff only worked half a day; and then we had planned to take the kids and all go together to Riven Rock to play in the water.  As it turned out, that morning was the start of an "I'm so overwhelmed and I don't know what to do" kind of day for me, so Jeff kindly offered to take the boys and let me stay home with Moriah and have a break.  I was grateful for his offer and accepted it, but not more than two minutes after they pulled out of our driveway, wearing swimsuits and big smiles, I was sure I had made a mistake and I wished that I could turn back time so that Moriah and I could go, too.  You see, I LOVE Riven Rock.  Why in the world did I think I would be better off staying home to sweep the floor and do the dishes rather than going to a beautiful place I love??

When they returned home after a few hours and reported on how many people were there and how crowded the stream was, I felt a little better.  Oh, not because I was happy that they had had a less-than-optimal time there, but because I realized that I didn't miss much.  And I HAD gotten some catch-up work down here at home, and it's always encouraging to me to see progress being made.  :)  However, I determined that the next time anybody from this family headed west to Riven Rock, I was going to be with them!  

My chance came sooner than I thought.  Two days later, on Wednesday, Jeff suggested that we go to Riven Rock again, knowing that the Memorial Day crowds wouldn't be there that time and it would be a lot more fun for the boys.  I was elated!  We decided to pack a picnic supper to take along, and this time we would all go--Jeff, the boys, Moriah and I, and even my parents.

Jeff made some delicious sub sandwiches for us; and as soon as we got there, we ate our supper.  Why does even simple food taste so, so good out in the fresh air and sunshine?  :)
Then it was time to explore the river.  Can you find the boy in this picture?
Ah, there he is!  David, the fearless, wading undeterred into cold mountain water.
On Monday, Shav had been quite reluctant to get into the water, according to the report brought back to me; but on Wednesday, he boldly entered in.  Maybe because there weren't so many strange people around?  For some reason, he had much more confidence than two days previously.
While I was back at the picnic table cleaning up some of the supper things, I heard Jeff call to the boys that he had seen a snake; and I could hear him pointing it out to them in a shallow pool of water near the bank of the stream.  If you've read this blog for a while, you already know how I feel about snakes.  They are my most feared and dreaded of all animals; and right at that moment, I was so glad to be busy at the picnic table and not down by the river!!  :)  The boys didn't seem a bit bothered by it though; in fact, Tobin was apparently the first one to see the snake because before Jeff even saw it, Tobin said, "Oh, look!  There's a water worm!"  Not a worm, my dear boy.  Not a worm at all!  ;-)

Well, after a little time of wading and exploring, the war began.  That's right: a water war with Jeff on one side and his four sons on the opposite side, trying desperately to attack him by getting close enough to him to throw cups of water on him without themselves getting drenched by the water he was throwing at them!  Boys will be boys, and I'M SO GLAD.  I had such fun watching them horse around like this!  :)  I took lots of pictures, and in some I was happy to see the spray of the water showing up.  As you can imagine, Jeff could throw the water from his cup much farther and more forcefully than any of the boys could, so I think it's safe to say that he won the war.  Not that any of the boys would ever admit defeat, however.  ;-)

Besides myself, the audience was comprised of my parents, who had front-row seats...
 ...and Moriah, who enjoyed Grandpa's lap for a while.  I thought it was especially nice that he wore his "I Support Life" t-shirt, and I could get that logo in the photo with sweet Moriah.  We certainly do support life around here, and we thank God fervently for every little life He's given us.  :)
After the water fight was over, I was able to take some individual pictures of the boys.

 Tobin was really cold; can you tell?  :)
 When I asked Shav if I could take his picture, he said yes and then he covered his eyes.  Silly boy.  ;-)

Meanwhile, the competition wasn't quite over between my firstborn and my husband.  Somehow they decided to challenge each other to see who could be the first to actually lie down in the water.  Might I remind you that it is COLD mountain water?  I sure wouldn't want to lie down in it!  :)

 Jeff making it look easy...
 ...while Josiah grimaces as he lays his head down gingerly.  :)
 Tobin watched from the side.
 Then the competitors decided that they needed to roll over in the water.  Brrrr.
 Tobin was too chilly to even consider imitating his daddy at this point!
I handed the camera off to my dad so that it could be documented that I was, in fact, present during this outing.  :)
 The wild and crazy ones nearing the end of their competition...  Shav kept walking in and out of the water, and he would go close to them and, unintentionally, splash water on them from his footsteps.  I thought it was hilarious, but Josiah didn't exactly appreciate the cold drops of water on his face.  ;-)
 While Jeff and Josiah were toughing it out, I looked around and admired the scenery and soaked in the beauty.  I do love that place.
 Moriah got to be in Grandma's lap for a while...

 ...and then on her shoulder...
 ...where she first tried to suck on her own fist...
 ...and then thought about chewing on Grandma's shoulder.
And then we decided it was time to wrap chilly boys in big towels, gather our things, and come home.  We were all a little tired...

...but a whole lot happy.  

When do we get to go again??  :)


Anonymous said...

What an amazing place!! I have never even heard of it before! I feel so out of the loop!! Okay definitely going to need to go there very soon!

Sally said...

Your Moriah is so, so beautiful! I love those big eyes. I'm glad you got your chance to go with the whole family. God is so gracious, not only for second chances, but giving us such a beautiful place to live.