Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Savoring the Sweetness of Christmas 2011

Ah, Christmas!  I don't know if it really is the most wonderful time of the year; as a matter of fact, I'm thinking that this coming April--say, around the 7th or so--might give Christmas a run for its money.  ;-)  But undoubtedly, the significance of Christmas and its many traditions of family togetherness and celebration combine to make it a truly special time of year.

Before we pack away our Christmas things and move into the new year, I want to spend some time remembering and savoring this Christmas.  Warning: this post is turning out to be kind of like the one about our surprise trip to Virginia Beach--heavily-laden with pictures (and, hopefully, light on words, so that I can actually get this done in a timely manner!).  Maybe I should split it up into several posts; but no, I really want to get it finished tonight because there are some other posts that I really want to write this week before the new year begins.  When I get to the end of this post, I'll have to count and see if this one has more pictures or the Virginia Beach one does.  :)

Our Christmas celebration lasted, as it usually does, more than one day.  This year, it was three days straight of special events.  

Day One

The first day was on Friday, Dec. 23, when my brother David and his family came down from Pennsylvania to spend the day with us (and my sister Donna came over later that day, but I didn't have my camera out when she was here, so I didn't get a single picture of her).  :(  

After a festive midday meal, we settled in the living room for our small gift exchange, which was actually just one gift for each grandchild from my parents.  Nice and simple--I love that.
Shav decided that Aunt Lori's lap was a pretty good place to hang out while he opened his gift, a Thomas the Tank Engine book and play set.
In these pictures from the gift exchange, I can't help but notice how other family members always crowd in, trying to see what the gift is before the recipient has even had a chance to enjoy it himself!  :)
Tobin got a book and a wooden monkey puzzle that he could color himself.

David got a set of Perler beads which he loves.
And, although not pictured, Josiah got the book The Worst Case Scenario Survive-O-Pedia, which both he and David have thoroughly enjoyed during the past five days.

A bunch of people crowded onto and around the big couch, but my brother David and his son Isaac kicked back on the little one.
And my dad supervised...  ;-)
...while my mother watched it all.  :)
Shav, Tobin, and David had fun right away with the new Thomas set.

Josiah challenged anyone who would accept to a game of air hockey (and he got beaten a few times on that day!)  :)
David, Josiah, Elizabeth, and Isaac had fun on the swings, even though it was chilly.

My brother David cuddled with his youngest nephew.

And then, the part I LOVE!  :)
I asked...well, coerced might be a better word...David and Lori to go up to the pasture with me and walk through the trees so I could take their picture.
They had not had any warning at all, so had not dressed in any certain way or primped at all.  ;-)  But despite that, they reluctantly, laughingly agreed.
Our dog Molly was happier than they were at what was taking place.  ;-)
But they were good sports...
...and even though we didn't stay out there long...
(it really was chilly, after all)
...I was very pleased with these pictures.
These two are so special to me--truly, some of my favorite people on earth.
"Someday you'll thank me for taking these pictures," I told them.  Well, we'll see about that.  ;-)  But even if they never do, I'm so glad to have these photographs (and I bet my parents will like them, too).  :)
Meanwhile, my nephew Jacob was doing a great job entertaining Tobin and Shav...
...literally getting on their level to play.
Most of the rest of the afternoon was spent at my parents' house, since David and Lori and their kids had not seen it since last year when they helped us start the moving-in process.  It's changed a lot in a year.  ;-)  While there, Josiah found a Rubik's Cube in my parents' toy cabinet, and my brother showed him a trick or two to get one side all the same color.  If only it were that easy to get all six sides figured out!  :)
Before they left, we had to get a picture of The Davids.  No family gathering is complete without that.   :)
That night, after our guests had headed north and the boys were sleeping soundly in bed, I rested on the couch and experimented with the camera.  I don't even remember what setting I used; but somehow, I was able to capture star-shaped bokeh.  So exciting, I know.  ;-)

Day Two

Christmas Eve was a relatively quiet day, but we joyfully busied ourselves with cleaning up from the previous day, preparing for the following day, and making a few last-minute preparations for Christmas gifts.  In the evening, we went to a beautiful Christmas Eve service; then after we got home, we did our yearly tradition of letting the boys open one gift that night.  And then--oh, joy--they (the oldest three) got to sleep in the living room by the Christmas tree!  And--even more joy--so did I!!  :)  Since I've been having some achiness and stiffness in my back when I wake up in the morning, I wasn't sure that sleeping on the couch all night would go well for me; but as a matter of fact, I woke up without any pain at all--much better than in my bed.  Jeff teased me that now, I'd be sleeping on the couch every night until the baby is born.  ;-)
Christmas Eve is a night I literally look forward to all year long.
I'm not the only one.  :)
The boys LOVE sleeping by the Christmas tree...
...and I love to watch them.  :)
This year, I made sure I got my Christmas preparations done early enough that I could spend this evening with them by the tree, unlike one year when I was literally wrapping all the gifts on Christmas Eve.  Never again, I hope.  :)

Day Three

Christmas morning dawned bright and clear; and although snow would have been eagerly welcomed, there was none in sight.
There were, however, sleepy but happy boys in sight.
Josiah and David had been asking for sleepers of their own, since they see their little brothers often wear sleepers at night, so we found some that fit the oldest two and gave them as their Christmas Eve gifts so they could sleep in them that night.  For Tobin's Christmas Eve gift, we gave him a Scooby-Doo version of the old game Trouble.  Here is Josiah, in his new sleeper, playing with Tobin's game on Christmas morning.
Jeff read the last part of Tabitha's Travels to the boys.

And the gift-opening began.  We have all the boys give a gift to all the other boys, as it helps them to experience the joy of giving, not just getting.  Here David is opening his gift--a little nerf football--from Tobin.
And a robotics sets from Jeff and I.
Shav loves to ride this tricycle around in our house, and he apparently thought it was a good place to sit while opening gifts.  :)
I like this picture a lot, because of the motion of Tobin and David in the background, while Shav's face is so clear as he smiles at his new squishy ball.  :)

The boys had helped Jeff wrap my gifts, using some packing paper that had come in a box.  They got to decorate it with markers which was so much fun for them and a thrill for me as I saw their love expressed in this way.  No one else in the world had wrapping paper like that on their gifts that morning.  ;-)
Grandma helped Shav open a gift.
And Jeff helped him with another one.

Here was a gift for me that Josiah had wrapped.  It actually said, "To Mom, From ___" and then the name of our daughter.  But I used Picasa to edit that out so you can't read it in this picture.  ;-)  The gift, fittingly, was 5 Conversations You Must Have with Your Daughter.  I'm happy to report that so far, our little girl is listening closely and obeying everything I've told her in our conversations so far.  It's never too early to start, right?  ;-)

And Tobin wrapped this one.  I can't remember what was in this box, but it might have been a Willow Tree mother/daughter figurine...or a beautiful navy blue bathrobe...or (oh, so exciting!) a new blender.  It's time to try some new smoothie recipes!!  :)

Another decorated-by-Josiah package.  I think this one contained the book Managers of Their Homes which I am so eager to read and implement this coming year!

My parents were here for all the,, celebration!  :)  They had time for a quick picture with four grandsons before heading off to their church service.
And then the after-gift lull set in, that wonderful time when everyone is occupied with new things and the house is quiet and peaceful.  Jeff helped the little boys assemble a new car track.

Josiah played with a new logic game, Troy.
And I worked in the kitchen, getting ready for our Christmas dinner and the guests who would be coming.  We *only* had twelve around the table for our dinner, but four more dropped by later in the afternoon; and by early evening, a game of Crazy Uno was in full swing.
Seeing these pictures reminds me that, for the first time, we set up our long table diagonally in our kitchen.  It was Jeff's idea, and it was so clever, giving us extra room where needed so that it was easier for us to circulate.  I'm sure we'll be doing that again.
Josiah and David--I mean, Mario!--played, too, and had such a fun time with the adults.
As a matter of fact, I think...
...Josiah ended up winning the game.  :)

I've come to the end of my pictures that I took during our three days of celebration; but even if I had twice as many pictures, I couldn't possibly capture all the joy and happiness of our 2011 Christmas.  The moments of conversation between family and friends, the smiles and laughter, the peace in our home and in our hearts, the hugs given and received, the gifts which continue to bring pleasure long after the day is over.  For all of these special ways to celebrate the birthday of our Messiah Jesus, we give thanks.  

Maybe Christmas really is the most wonderful time of the year after all.  :)


Unknown said...

What a wonderful holiday! I love the pictures of the walk to the pasture. My husband and I don't have many pictures together. I would love to have some just like these.

Homeschool on the Croft said...

Love it! It is such a happy family time for us too, and for that I am so thankful.
I also love the photos of your brother and his wife outside. They will *love* that you 'made' them do it. Very precious.

As always, I love, love, love the photos of your gorgeous boys.... make me smile every time :)

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful Christmas celebration! Looks like everyone had a wonderful time!

Valerie said...

Looks like you had a great 3 day celebration! I enjoyed reading all about it. :)