Thursday, December 1, 2011

It's All because of the Greens (and Other Christmas Tidbits)

One of the (MANY!) aspects I enjoy about blogging is changing my blog look each month.  A new header and a new background thrills me.  It doesn't take much, does it?  ;-)  

When I was thinking ahead to December's look, I definitely was not considering a black/white/gray/red color palette.  No, instead I had plans for the traditional red and green, with a single photo for the header...but...I ran into a problem.  I could not get the greens to match.  The green in the grass (the header photo I was planning to use was taken outside), the green in the pine tree, the green in the blog background, the green in the fonts--all of that green was just too much, and I could not make it coordinate to my satisfaction.  So, I threw that plan out the window and changed tactics altogether.  A collage for the header, a completely different background, the classic color combination of black and white and red, and I was set.  I liked it much, much better.  If you happen to be a blogger who makes seasonal or monthly layout changes, maybe you'll have green in your new look.  If so, I'll be sure to enjoy it on your blog.  ;-)

In other Christmas news, my dearly beloved took all four boys out this morning, running errands and finishing with lunch at Country Cookin'.  (Here's a shout-out to Jeff for his excellent parenting skills: toward the end of their meal, an elderly gentleman came up to Jeff and remarked on how very well-behaved the boys were.  For Jeff to single-handedly care for the boys at a buffet restaurant, and then receive a compliment on our sons' behavior, is definitely something to be applauded!  He's my hero, but you already knew that, didn't you?)  :)  But back to Christmas...  Jeff took the boys so that I could have peace and quiet and privacy to wrap Christmas gifts.  But you know, it's actually too simple to just say "wrap Christmas gifts."  First, I had to go searching in my closet for the gifts I had been stashing there, and then I had to try to remember which gift was for which boy (sometimes it was obvious, but not always), and then I had to write down a list of what gifts we're giving them (mainly so I don't forget between now and Christmas and buy a duplicate gift!)  ;-), and then I had to make sure we were giving roughly equal amounts of gifts to Josiah and David (and to a lesser extent, Tobin, although he doesn't keep track of his present count quite as ardently as the older boys!), and then I had to write in the front of the books we are giving the boys (they love opening a book and reading their name in it and the occasion when they received it), and then I had to wrap them!  And while I was at it, I also did a tiny bit more Christmas shopping on Ebay.  Despite all the steps of the process, it was all a joy to do, especially because of the aforementioned peace and quiet and privacy.  :)  I LOVE giving gifts to my boys.  I used to love receiving gifts.  Maybe I'm growing up, because now, rather than get, I would much rather give presents.  Christmas shopping for these precious little men is a delight to me, and the wrapping part is pretty fun, too.  :)  Here is the evidence of my project this morning:
It was a morning well-spent.  :)

One more quick Christmas item for tonight...

Some folks put a star at the top of their nativity set, while others top it with an angel.  But we?

Well, we put a cowboy hat on top of ours!  :)
I'm not sure which of the little wise guys running around here was the one to put the cowboy hat in this place...
...but when I saw it, I smiled and decided to leave it there.  If Jesus had come to earth a couple thousand years later than He did, I bet He would have loved to be a cowboy.  ;-)


Unknown said...

I love the new layout. The header is really wonderful. I am so impressed that the boys were great and so was their dad. JDaniel would probably have been a handful.

Elizabeth said...

What an honor to receive such a compliment as that. Isn't that really one of the best gifts of them all? That and a husband who takes such an active role as a father and loves his children to his core just like you? You are blessed Davene!

Good for you for getting wrapping done already! What a good feeling. I agree with you - giving is the most fun part. Coming up with gift ideas for myself is always at the bottom of my list. I feel like I don't "need" anything. That's a blessing too I think isn't it?

Love your header too by the way and the picture of the Bible verses. That is beautiful.

P.S. Saw you on Lisa's blog. You look beautiful!!

Anonymous said...

I too love the new layout! Looks great! Love the cowboy hat! The presents look beautiful!

Kim @ Homestead Acres said...

Love the blog layout! And the hat is cute. :)

Renata said...

Hi Davene
Thank you for visiting my blog ~ it is lovely to meet you!!
Your blog looks wonderful ~ you've done a great job & I like the way it varies from the traditional red/green ( although I like those as well :) )
Love the cowboy hat ~ we have 3 boys & are often finding random things in unusual places ~ makes us smile!
Well done on your wrapping the gifts (I'm so impressed mine are still sitting in my cupboard ~ or in the mail coming to me ~ love online shopping).
Have a beautiful weekend

Sally said...

You are so far ahead! Hats off to Jeff for giving you this opportunity to wrap gifts. I hope you are able to sit under the tree on Christmas eve (or sleep there, whichever your dream is) rather than be wrapping gifts until the wee hours of the morning. And, I agree with the restaurant commenter, you do have excellently behaved children. I, of all people, know kids aren't born that way! You've been practicing good habits over there!

Marie said...

Oh my goodness Davene, where do I begin???????
I AM SO EXCITED!!!! A GIRL!!!!! WOW I am just dancing. You don't know how excited I was when I found out and I have been meaning to leave a comment this last week to congratulate you. least I beat my sister in telling her about your exciting news before she learned of it and told me :) She was SO thrilled too!!!!

Been missing you and it has been so long since I have visited you but I am eating up your posts and loving all that you are up too. Also I just love the self portrait of you, such a beautiful mama. And you are getting me so inspired for Christmas. I love picturing you with your peace and quiet wrapping presents and shopping online for the boys. Gets me inspired for my boys, also love that you love to give gifts, I have realized that I am like that now. It gives me so much to look forward to when I have something to give to those I love.

Sarah-Anne said...

oh i love the new design! funny how something that looks so amazing in our heads isn't so great looking in reality ;)