Saturday, December 31, 2011

2011: The Nutshell

The last day of 2011 is here!  My, my, my, where did the time go?  ;-)  But even as I marvel at the swift passage of this year, I'll say that today is a perfect day for a look back...

One way to review the past year is to remember the various looks this blog has had.  I do love changing it every month.  When I see a whole year like this, I always ask myself the question, "Which month's look was my favorite?"  And then I inevitably come to the conclusion that I really can't decide.  I do the same thing every year.  :)

Yep, it's still true.  I really can't decide which one I like the best!!  :)

In the past, I've seen others - and have done so myself - recap the year by posting the first sentence of the first post from every month, or by making a list of which posts were the most popular as judged by which got the most comments.  But this year, I want to do a variation on that.  I decided to make a list of my favorite two posts from each month.  These are not necessarily the ones that got the most comments, but they're ones that, for one reason or another, I think, "I especially like this!" as I read back through each month.  

For January:

For February:

For March:

For April:

For May:

For June:

For July:
Hope Deferred, Part Four (and the other parts in the miscarriage story, but I picked this one because I love how it ends...knowing as I do now that I conceived our sweet daughter the month after the miscarriage lends incredible significance, for example, to the conversation I recorded in this post--the talk I had with the boys about the was delightful to read back through this post and see how God so quickly answered their prayers: for another baby AND for a sister!!)

For August:

For September:
So Long, Facebook  (I particularly like this post because of the Facebook status updates I included in it, precious snippets of life and conversation that I did not want to forget)

For October:

For November:

For December:

2011 has been a treasure, no doubt about it.  A little heartache along the way, but so much joy to fill my days!  Even though this blog proclaims it every day, it's worthwhile to again say, "My cup overflows!"  And to the One who pours so much goodness into it, I can only say, from the bottom of my heart, "THANK YOU!"

I've got my cup ready for 2012, and I can hardly wait to see what flows into it!  :)


Anonymous said...

You are cranking out the posts today ;-) Loved looking back at all your old headers! I had a super hard time picking favorite posts.. so I skipped out like I have done in years past! I am writing pots today.. but scheduling them so I can actually stay on top in blogging (maybe) for a little while!

Homeschool on the Croft said...

The photo for March is an absolute stunner... amongst stunners!

Loved your blog over the year, Davene. I have simply *loved* joining you and your family in your family life.

May God bless you all in 2012, and may He bless and keep you when it comes to the time for your precious daughter's birth. I, for one, can't wait!!