Thursday, December 1, 2011

It's December! Let the Introspection Begin.

When the twelfth month of the year rolls around, something within us says, "Aha!  It's time to reflect!  And categorize!  And summarize!  And make Top 10 lists!"  Suddenly the news headlines are filled with articles about the Top 10 Fascinating People of 2011...or the Top 10 Songs...or the Top 10 Business Trends...or the Top 10 Smartphones...or the Top 10 New Species...or the Top 10 Lipsticks...or the Top 10 Brands of Toilet Paper (OK, so I haven't really seen an article about that.  Yet.)...or the Top 10 anything-you-could-possibly imagine.  It's as if we need to wrap up this year in a succinct fashion before we can freely move on to the coming year.

I'm not making too much fun of the people who do this because...well...I'm one of those people.  I like a year-in-review kind of post, and I imagine that I'll have one ready when this month draws to an end.  But it does make me pause to reflect when I realize that to God, who is outside the realm of time, there is precious little difference between December 31 and January 1, whereas to me, it feels huge.

In years past, I have noticed how other women of faith who blog will often choose a single word to be their theme for a new year.  I myself have sometimes chosen a particular verse of Scripture to be my theme verse, to help me focus on a particular area in which I wanted to grow; but I had never participated in the one-word challenge.  I really liked reading about others' choice of words, so I thought I would do the same during 2011.  I even had a blog post in mind that I wanted to write about it, but that never happened (like so many blog posts that never make it out of my mind and into my computer!).  From time to time during the past 11 months, the-theme-word-that-I-didn't-really-choose-but-would-have-if-I-had-chosen would enter my mind, but it was in a mostly casual way.  I wouldn't say that it was responsible for causing me to focus or to do much growing.

The word was LESS.

Inspired by John 3:30, that word meant for me that I would strive to make meaningful steps along the path of full surrender to God's will for my life and His hand working in me.  Less of me, more of at home with my family, and in other realms of life, too.  Less also meant that I would weigh less and would have less clutter in my home.  ;-)  A return to simplicity in order to reach higher heights of devotion to and "lostness" in the majesty of God.

So, how did I do?  Honestly, I'd have to give myself mixed reviews.  For one thing, I don't weigh any less now.  ;-)  And I'm adding to the number of children we have which doesn't contribute to the concept of "less."  :)  Do I have less clutter in my home?  Yes, I think a little bit less; but new clutter continues to spring up perpetually.  Much more importantly, have I become less so that He may become more?  I don't know.  Not as much as I would like, that's safe to say.

But here's what I do know:  along the way, I have learned a number of other lessons, things I didn't plan to learn but apparently God planned to teach me.  :)  During this month, I'd like to share some of those lessons learned.  Of course, I'll still keep having "regular" posts--baby news, household happenings, holiday festivities, etc.  Maybe I'll even finish my Thanksgiving series.  :)  But I do want to take some time to reflect on the deeper things I've experienced and learned from this year.  I'm not sure that it will turn into a Top 10 list; as a matter of fact, it might be a Top 5 or maybe a Top 12.  How many lessons did I learn this year anyway?  :)  Or, better said, how attentive was I to the Master Teacher and the curriculum He laid out for me in 2011?

Perhaps by the end of this month, my introspection will pay off, and I'll be able to begin to answer that question.  :)

1 comment:

Sarah-Anne said...

you are just SO inspiring.