Saturday, December 17, 2011


Yep, that's me.  I am totally copying something I saw on someone else's blog.  But at least I warned her that I was gonna do it.  :)

Back in November, when Emily posted this on her blog, I thought, "Wow, how pretty!  Maybe I could do that, too!"  Today I finally got around to trying it...and as expected, my results weren't as good as hers, but that's OK.  I like 'em anyway.  :)

One white sheet?  Check.
Christmas lights?  Check.  (Although I've been overpowered by the colored-lights fans who live in my house, so I didn't have white lights to use.  Oh, well, I'm thinking the colored lights fit better for my boys...ahem...colorful personalities.)
Cute kids to put in the pictures?  Check.  I've got a few of those around here who were excited to have me take their picture (although my oldest cute son was at the barber shop helping out there by sweeping hair, so he missed this particular photo op).
Natural light?  Check.
Camera?  Check.

We're ready.

It took me a little while to get things set up and adjusted to my liking (of course, I did have "helpers" to assist me)...  :)
...and even then, I realized some key differences between my set-up and Emily's.  First of all, the green cords between my lights showed up in many of my pictures, whereas in Emily's, her white cords did not.  Note to self: white cords would be better for this.  Second, I couldn't really get the bokeh lights to be as big as I wanted.  I'm sure on a different camera setting, it would have turned out more like I was imagining.  Oh, well...we still had fun, and I still grabbed some images that I like.

My favorite one?

Probably this...
 ...but maybe this.
 This one makes me smile... does this.

This picture of David is the first one I took...
 ...but later on, after tweaking a few things, I took this one and liked it better.

And then there was Tobin...
 ...eager to be photographed, too.
 I can't help but smile...
 ...when I see his grin.

In the end, I'm not really sure which is my favorite.  All of them, I guess.  :)

Thanks, Emily, for sharing a great idea!!


Anonymous said...

This turned out great!! I like the colored lights for this!!

Sarah-Anne said...

the colored lights are beautiful anyways, friend! i love <3 those sweet boys & their precious smiles.
great pictures as well!

bekahcubed said...

Very nice. I'm wondering if a black sheet would have hidden the cords but still given the same bokeh effect? This might have to go on my list of things to try in 2012.

Valerie said...

So cute! I haven't taken Christmas pictures yet. I need to cut the boys hair first and I keep pushing that off. Ugh! I better get it in gear! Perhaps your cute photos will be the motivation I need to get it done.

Mike and Katie said...

I tried this a church this morning after the little girls Christmas program. I think having them sit on a chair may have prevented all the blurries we ended up with. ;)

Davene Grace said...

Rebekah, I like that idea of a black sheet! Why didn't I think of that? ;-)

Katie, I completely understand about the blurries. :)

Homeschool on the Croft said...

Oh, Davene, these boys' smiles.....
