Monday, December 5, 2011

If There's Anything I'm Craving... might be this.
This pregnancy has felt like such a regular part of life that, even in the area of food, I don't discern much difference between how I "normally" act and how I am currently acting.  The same things I always love and crave in the wintertime (juicy clementines, homemade hot chocolate, delicious chocolate raisins which are good for my iron level ;-), Lay's Tangy Carolina BBQ Potato Chips) are still on my love-the-most list.  But recently, a new drink has been appealing to me.  I had had a few Raspberry Zinger teabags languishing in my cupboard for quite a while, but not too long ago I realized how very tasty it would be to have a cup of that.  Soon I had used up all those old teabags and was putting Raspberry Zinger on the grocery list.  
In this chilly weather, there's something very comforting about a cup of hot tea; and it seems this little girlie inside me prefers the raspberry flavor.  :)


Miriam said...

I'm curious how you like to drink your tea. It looks like it would taste good!! I like English Breakfast Tea with a sugar and milk (or cream). I'm not a fan of hot teas plain, or ones that taste like bark :)

BTW, I just noticed and read your "Warning!" (tab). You hit the nail on the head, and I appreciate your honesty and for keeping us in check. It is easy to think "she always has it all together" or "all she ever does is complain" when reading blogs... or feel bad that I'm only blogging about (mostly) the good stuff, only posting pictures of the clean areas, when I'm human, too, and have my areas I struggle with. Anyway, yeah, thanks :)

Unknown said...

I am not having a baby and a crave these things. I guess it is just that time of year.

Unknown said...

I am not having a baby and a crave these things. I guess it is just that time of year.

Renata said...

Oh I hope you get loads of raspberry tea for your girl ~ of course she probably needs some chocolate too ;)
Have a wonderful day

Aliesha Caldwell | Feathers in Our Nest said...

Too funny... I drink Raspberry Zinger every morning too!

Anonymous said...

A cup of warm tea sounds amazing to me right now! I think I need to go make some :-)