Sunday, December 11, 2011

A Peaceful Birthday

~ picture taken many years ago, when we lived in San Diego

"Birthdays really aren't a big deal to me anymore," Jeff told me a few days ago.

Yeah.  I know what he means.  As we get older, certain things change.  When, as children, birthdays came accompanied by a rush of excitement and almost unbearable anticipation in the days leading up to the big event, now as adults, we accept birthdays matter-of-factly and enjoy them, but they don't hold the heart-pounding thrill that they used to.  I get that.

However, those of us who love Jeff Fisher the most were not about to ignore the fact that he was turning 41 on this day!!!  Even though our celebration was low-key, it was nonetheless heartfelt and appreciative of who this incredible man is and what he has done for us.  What does a laid-back 41st birthday celebration for a man who doesn't want a party look like?  Let's see...

Yesterday the boys helped me a little as we cleaned some stuff out of the garage.  Jeff had remarked a few times about how frustrated he was by the garage and how he wanted some time to work in it and make a dent in the mess, so I decided that, for once, I could give Jeff the gift of acts of service.  (Not implying that I rarely serve him, because I often do!  But it doesn't usually speak love to his heart like this garage cleaning did.)  It may not be very romantic, but nothing says "I love you" like being able to walk into the house from the Jeep after work without being in danger of falling and breaking your neck in the garage.  ;-)  That was his first gift.  :)

Today, being Sunday, was a day off for Jeff.  The boys joyously sang "Happy Birthday" to him multiple times this morning--sometimes on-key and sometimes off-.  :)  Even Shav got into it, warbling "happy birthday to you!" as we drove through the countryside to a church service.  But before that, Jeff and Josiah and David went running together, which isn't exactly the way I'd like to begin a birthday, but it just goes to show how sacrificial Jeff is because he knew how much it would mean to our oldest two boys!  :)

After the service, we met up with my parents at good ol' Country Cookin'--the reason being that Jeff had a gift certificate for a free meal, being as it was his birthday.  That's one of the perks of being part of the "Country Club."  :)  We gave Jeff his cards there; and although I neglected to take a picture, I will mention here that I LOVE the card the boys gave him.  Well, OK, I'm the one who picked it out.  :)  But three of the boys were with me when I picked it.  They were lobbying hard for me to get him one of those cards that plays music when you open it, but I knew the main reason they wanted to give it to him was so that they could play with it!  :)  I ix-nayed that idea and went for a simple card, with a black and white photo of a dad walking hand-in-hand with his young son, who is wearing a cape from some costume (much like our very own David who is often found wearing capes and other paraphernalia).  Inside, it simply says, "Not all superheroes wear capes."  I hope Jeff always remembers what a hero he is to me and to the four (soon to be five) little ones who are blessed to be able to call him Daddy.

Next on the agenda after we got home was a nap on the couch--always a good thing to include in a birthday celebration.  ;-)  Oh, before that, we gave him his second gift:  pair of pants.  Always useful, never cluttery.  :)

Then tonight, Jeff and I got to go out on a date.  It was very romantic:  shopping (mostly for Christmas) at the dollar store and Walmart.  ;-)  But seriously, it was TIME together.  Time to talk to each other without being interrupted a dozen times per minute.  Time to laugh and be silly and tease and remember the joy of it just being the two of us.  

Some years, our celebrations are bigger...more public...more exciting and dramatic...than this year.  It's always fun to look back and read previous birthday posts (like 2010, 2009, 2008 (a belated birthday celebration, which was good because on his birthday that year, most of our family was sick), and 2007.  But this year, I'm giving thanks for the peaceful, relaxing day we've had together as a family.  And of course, my biggest prayer of thanks right now is for the 41 years of life Jeff has had here on earth!!  :) 
~ picture taken in the spring of 2010, when our friend Evgeny came to visit this country from Russia


Unknown said...

It sounds like a wonderful day! I took a nap yesterday too.

Margie said...

Happy Birthday to Jeff!

Sarah-Anne said...

happy birthday Mr. Jeff! :)