Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Our air hockey table has a new job:
 holding the two bushels of peaches my dad picked up at the orchard yesterday.

I look forward to a rousing game of air hockey someday soon; but meanwhile, I don't mind sacrificing that fun for the delight of eating this luscious fruit.
If I had to choose my favorite fruit (which would be nearly impossible, since I'm terribly fond of so many kinds of fruit!), fresh, ripe peaches, straight from the orchard, might very well occupy the top spot.

I can hardly wait to wake up and have some on my Cracklin' Oat Bran for breakfast.  ;-)


Unknown said...

Fresh peaches are truly the best in the summer! What are you going to do with all of them?

Davene Grace said...

Can some. Freeze some. Eat as many fresh as we can possibly hold. :) Maybe make a peach cobbler.

These 2 bushels are only the first of 6 bushels that we've ordered from the orchard! We get them 2 at a time, so that we can do something with them before they spoil. :) We do can a lot of them, because both my parents and my boys love home-canned peaches. Josiah could literally eat a whole quart by himself, if I let him. :)

Can you tell we really love peaches?? ;-)

Anonymous said...

yum!!! enjoy :-)

Elizabeth said...

Those look SO good! There is nothing like fresh peacehs!