Friday, August 19, 2011

Baby Blessing: Week 6

I found out on a Thursday.  August 4, to be precise.

Knowing that I had an appointment at my midwives' office the next day for my blood test to check my antibody level and remembering that I had one left-over little ol' lonely pregnancy test in my bathroom cupboard, I gave in to temptation and took it.  Unlike the tests I took back in June, before my miscarriage, this time that beautiful second line showed up almost instantly.  It was dark, convincing, gorgeous.

One of the first thoughts I had as I held that stick was, "How funny that the Spanish word for 'pregnant' is 'embarazada.'  Am I embarrassed about this?  Should I be?"  :)  To tell you the truth, I did feel a little sheepish about it; after all, we weren't supposed to get pregnant before we knew the results of the antibody screen, right?  

To demonstrate how surprised we were by this unexpected joy, I'll just say that Jeff's reaction when I told him (which occurred the following evening, at Purcell Park, during Josiah's family night...the boys were running ahead to the picnic table, and Jeff and I were walking behind when I told him) was this:  "How did that happen???"  It still makes me giggle to think about it.  :)

So yeah, we were a little shocked; but I tell you what, the delight was instant in my heart.  I could hardly believe--and still find it unbelievable--that God was blessing us with another little one.  My dream of having another child--the dream I thought was in jeopardy after the miscarriage and missed rhogam shot--was coming true after all, and I almost had to pinch myself to make sure I was awake and wasn't just imagining it.

Now here I am at 6 weeks, and tomorrow I'll reach 7.  Physically, I feel great, for the most part!  A little tired (but isn't that always the case?), but not the my-body-is-shutting-down-immediately-and-cannot-function-a-second-longer fatigue that sometimes slams me in early pregnancy.  (Well, I had that one day, but so far it's not an everyday thing.)  I've had a tiny bit of nausea a time or two, which is par for the course for me.  For those early speculators on whether this is a boy or a girl, I'd say put your money on BOY...for many of which is the fact that so far, this pregnancy feels very similar to my other ones.  :)  Probably the most obvious "symptom" I've noticed is that I get hungry soon after eating; and when I don't eat or drink soon enough, I start feeling very poorly.  It happened when we went to the Bergton Fair, it happened the next day when we went to the Russian wedding, and to a lesser extent it happened the next day when we were in D.C. for a gathering of the church.  I'll reach a point where I think, "Ugh, I don't feel very good; I wish I could lie down; what's going to happen next; will I be sick?"  But then, as long as I consume food and drink fairly quickly, it's amazing how fast the transformation is.  I perk up and think, "Wow, I feel great!  I'm ready to keep going for a while longer!!"  :)

For my week 6 photo, I passed the camera to Jeff when we were at the fair the other evening; and he snapped this photo.  I'm sure a gust of wind or other natural cause must be the reason my shirt is puffed out...and certainly not because I'm already starting to feel a little wider around the middle.  ;-)


Sally said...

I'm glad you're feeling so good. I hope it continues, in a healthy way, of course.

Because I don't know that much about the rhogam thing, I assume everything is o.k. there?

Have a good weekend.

Davene Grace said...

Sally, I should have mentioned the results of that rhogam test; it slipped my mind. It was negative, meaning that my body has not yet produced antibodies against positive blood which means that if a future (or current) child has positive blood, my negative blood will not attack it. Does that make sense? About as clear as mud, right? ;-)

Anyway, it was the result we were hoping for, so that was good news!!

Elizabeth said...

You look beautiful friend. I am so thrilled for you! Blessings upon you Davene!

Unknown said...

I slept all the time when I first found out about JDaniel. I am glad you aren't dealing with that.

Miriam said...

This is such a fun post :) Jeff's response is priceless!! I hope you continue to feel great, too. Feeling yucky is no fun at all, no matter how much you tell yourself "it's for a good reason!"

Sarah-Anne said...

i'm still SO happy for you friend!! & in a little bit of disbelief right alongside you, ha! ;)

here's to many more baby posts like these!

Anonymous said...

Love your first profile pic! This is going to be so much fun following you on your pregnancy journey. Glad you are feeling well and hope it continues!

Homeschool on the Croft said...

Davene, it's so lovely to hear all this. Delightful :)

My hubby had that very reaction when I told him about #3....'how did that happen?!'.... Er, I think you were there, darling ;)

Great to hear you're not feeling too bad ... hope that lasts

Heart of Wisdom Academy said...

The best part of my day today has been reading your blog and finding out you are six weeks pregnant with blessing number 5!!!!! I'm so excited for you and I will pray for you and your babie's health. God bless you and congratulations!!!!

Elizabeth said...


Sara @ Embracing Destiny said...


I've been offline for the past month, but you came to mind and I prayed for you often. I am SO HAPPY to come back online and see this news from you! Praise God! I'm glad that you and Jeff will be raising another soldier for Christ to be a light in this world! Of course, that goes for a girl, too, if it happens to be a "she." ;0)
