Thursday, July 7, 2016

Tobin Rides Again

Yesterday, Tobin had his third riding lesson, and, needless to say, his enthusiasm has not waned since the first one.  :)  While he rides, the other kids and I watch him, munch on a snack, goof off, pet the animals around the farm, and take pictures (low-quality, but still able to capture a memory) with my cell phone.  

These riding lessons are definitely one of the Very Special Things about the summer of 2016!  :)

Each week, Tobin gets to do a little more and go a little further; and he LOVES it.

When it's all over, we take our hot selves home, our day made a little happier because of the time we got to spend on the farm!  :)


bekahcubed said...

One of the things I love about how you and Jeff have chosen to parent is that you're not afraid to let your children be different OR the same. It seems like a lot of families either have all the kids do the exact same activities (because that's what mom and dad are interested in or because it simplifies things - which I totally get!) or all do different ones (lest one kid feel like they're just following in their sibling's footsteps.) You do a great job of balancing those two. I want to be just like you when I grow up :-)

sally said...

What a treasure this is to Tobin! I love the pictures, and I can hardly imagine how you all bear the heat these days! I would want my riding lessons at either 6:00 a.m. or at 7:00 p.m. during a week like this past one. But not everyone is as sensitive to the heat as I am.