Wednesday, April 9, 2014

(Not Quite) Wordless Wednesday {Two Years of Delight!}

From this... this.
And from this... this.
What a difference two years makes!  :)

  We call her doll Petunia, but her full name is Polka Dot Petunia.  :)

 Our only official gift for Moriah's birthday was a new net for the trampoline (since our old one had torn badly, making it unsafe for Moriah to be on the trampoline).  But Jeff came home from town this morning with an extra little gift for her: this adorable white hat...
 ...just because he likes the way she looks in hats.  :)

 I made an angel food cake for her, which, if I'm allowed to say so, tasted delicious.  But I have no idea how to make an angel food cake look appealing in a photograph!

 Homemade peach sauce on top makes angel food cake even more decadent.  :)

My dearest Moriah, you have been a GIFT to us these past two years - a continual reminder of God's lovingkindness.  We love you more and more every day and will love you forever.

Happy second birthday to our darling little girl!!  :)


Unknown said...

I can't believe that she is two already!

sally said...

What a beautiful, darling, sweet little girl! I loved this post. She is adorable.

Question (because I'm curious), who took the last two pictures? The perspective suggests someone of short stature...

Davene Grace said...

Sally - good observation! You can always feel free to ask anything; I don't mind questions a bit. :)

I took those pictures with the help of a tripod and a timer setting on my camera. It's a cheap tripod, and it doesn't get very tall!! It was on its highest setting, and you can tell that it was still pretty short. Someday I'll get a better tripod, but for now this one still comes in handy sometimes. :)

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Moriah!! Looks like you guys had a lot of fun celebrating!! That cake looks delicious!