Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Baby Blessing: Weeks 18 & 19

We're finally at 19 weeks, and the name of the game is ANTICIPATION with a capital "A"!  (And a capital "N" and "T" and "I" and "C" and...well, you get the point...)  ;-)  Tomorrow, oh sweet tomorrow, is the day when, through the wonders of modern technology, we'll get to take a peek through layers of skin and muscle (there's a little of that) and fat (there's too much of that) and see our beloved little one.  I can hardly wait.

I've been looking forward to this day ever since Jeff and I decided that we would find out at this ultrasound whether we're being blessed with a boy or a girl, but my excitement hit a new high today when suddenly it became so real to me.  Tomorrow night this time, we'll KNOW!  (If all goes well...and yes, I understand that sometimes the baby is in a position that makes it impossible to tell, but I'm really hoping for a different outcome than that!)

I've said this all along, but I'm almost positive this is a boy.  My latest "scientific" reason occurred today when I picked up a book Josiah read recently and I got ready to write down the info in his reading record; for some strange reason, I opened the book to the last few pages--something I never do with his books.  Oddly enough, the last name mentioned in the book was the name we've chosen for our boy.  Don't you agree that it's a sure sign that our baby is male?!?!  ;-)  (And don't you wish you knew what book I'm talking about so you could discover the name we've chosen?)  :)

I know this anticipation doesn't compare with how I'll be feeling as my due date draws near and all the questions and thoughts about the upcoming birth swirl through my head.  But it seems to me that this particular anticipation has a specialness all its own, because after this, we'll be able to plan specifically for this baby and visualize with much more certainty how our newly enlarged family will look.  I'll be able to think about this baby as either ______ (insert girl name here) or _____ (boy name).  I'll be able to talk to him or her and pray about him or her with so much more clarity.  Right now, this moment--and all that will transpire tomorrow--feels huge.  And I'm loving every minute of it.  :)

With all these bubbles of happiness and excitement within me, I hardly know what else to say in reference to this pregnancy.  It's still going well, I'm still feeling good, it's still easier than I expected, I still pause to consider how blessed I am.  So much is the same as previous updates, but this one incredible fact is different:  TOMORROW we "meet" our baby!!!!!
~ David took this picture last Sunday; he's always a willing photographer, and I appreciate that...because we're still having computer problems and the computer I'm using to post this doesn't have Picasa, I wasn't able to edit this photo at all, so it's SOOC...I have to add that info so my parents won't wonder why it's so off-center...at least he got all of me in the picture!  ;-)


Miriam said...

Ok... I HAVE to ask. You are pregnant and wearing a skirt. A long skirt. If you wear long maternity skirts, please, please, please PLEASE tell me where you find them or get them or what. Aside from pulling out my sewing machine and making one, I have only found 1 place that sells longer maternity skirts and they cost an arm and a leg... and are online only so I can't try them on before buying.

On a different note, I'm so excited for you about "meeting" your little baby and finding out who he or she is :) I am still glad we've chosen to not find out before the birth, but I am very eager to meet our baby and know who he or she is :)

Davene Grace said...

Miriam, I feel your pain about finding longer maternity skirts!!! I've enjoyed wearing skirts so much this pregnancy that I wish I had more of them, but it's HARD to find them cheaply.

For this particular skirt in the photo, it's actually a non-maternity skirt that Jeff's mom bought for me over a year ago. She brought it along when she came for a visit, but she didn't realize how amazingly skinny I'd gotten after losing all the weight from Shav's pregnancy. (Umm...yeah, right...that's not *exactly* true...) ;-) The skirt was too big, but I just set it aside "for such a time as this," and it's coming in very handy now. It's loose enough to simply fall beneath my baby bump, but fortunately it's tight enough to not slip down over my hips. Finally, a good reason to have wide(ish) hips! ;-)

I also have another black skirt that I've had *forever.* It's not a maternity skirt, but it does have an elastic waist, so I can wear it throughout pregnancy, and just put it over my bump or below it. I also have a flowered gauzy non-maternity but elastic-waisted skirt that I can still wear. I have a long khaki maternity skirt that my mom got me when I was pregnant with Josiah! It originally came from Motherhood maternity store, and it's served me well through the years. During this pregnancy, I had been looking on Ebay for a long denim maternity skirt, and I finally found one that didn't cost an arm and a leg. It got here and I tried it on, only to discover that it's still a little too big for me. It kept sliding down when I wore it. There's nothing so graceful as a pregnant women hoisting her skirt back up, right? ;-) Also, it's a LONG skirt, literally almost to the floor...and although I love how Laura Ingalls Wilder-ish it makes me feel, it's not the most practical thing. Ah, well, that's the danger of buying on Ebay. I still hope to wear it a number of times as I get further along in this pregnancy.

Well, now that I've written much more than you ever wanted to know about my maternity skirts, I'll sign off by simply saying that I know how you feel and I really hope you are able to find what you're looking for!!! :)

Sally said...

First off, you still look GREAT! I don't think there's an ounce of extra fat on you!

I'm excited for you to find out what your baby is, but I'm more anxious to know if WE will find out what your baby is before he/she is born! That's the big decision I'm waiting to hear from your blog!

Happy Ultrasound Day!

Valerie said...

I was reading from google reader and simply saw the word "baby" in the title of your post and couldn't click on over here fast enough. :) ... and while I enjoyed your post (and love your long skirt... it's hard to find a nice skirt these days!) I was hoping for the BIG announcement. (well, the first big announcement... the REAL one comes in another 19ish weeks):) *sigh* guess I'll have to come back tomorrow. ;)

Pam said...

Oh my goodness Davene, where have I been. Congratulations. I will anxiously be awaiting the news of boy or girl. Your picture is lovely by the way. Hubby did a nice job.
Love and Blessings,

Anonymous said...

I am so excited for you! What fun it will be to see them on the screen.

Anonymous said...

Oh, Davene, I'm so excited for you! Now, about the name....I've never read "The Hobbit" myself, but that *is* that last book that you mentioned Josiah reading, so can I go thumb through my son's copy and try to determine the name you've chosen? LOL!

You are looking beautiful and I'm glad everything is going so well. I can't wait to read your next revealing post. Wait a minute....You ARE going to tell us the results, aren't you?

Bonnie said...

So glad I'm seeing this the day you find out- that much less time waiting for me!
I'm still holding out for a girl for you!

Davene Grace said...

Oh friends, you make me smile first thing in the morning! Thank you so much for being so excited as you share our joy!! :)

Yes, we will tell you what we find out today. I'm hoping for a post on that sometime tonight! :)

Mary, good guess about The Hobbit! But no, it is not that book. Josiah is such a fast reader that he's already read several other books since that day. :)

Margie said...

I like the off-center photo, and am really surprised how long your hair is getting! SOOC is really good on this one.

Davene Grace said...

Mary, I had to come back and comment on this again. :) Before I dropped The Hobbit into the return slot at the library, I quickly flipped to the last page to see what the last name in it is. Guess what? It's Bilbo! Now I'm sure there's someone out there who thinks that's a perfectly wonderful name for a son; but that someone is not me! Can you imagine? Bilbo Fisher!!! :)

When I was telling Jeff about this, Josiah overheard and said, "What's wrong with Bilbo? I like that name! And Frodo, too!"

"Good," I said. "You can name your sons that someday." ;-)

Of course, all of this is meaningless now since we don't need any help finding a name for our little girlie. We've had a name picked since before Josiah was born; and even though I often thought we would never get to use it, I'm deliriously happy to finally have that opportunity! God is gracious!