Friday, September 23, 2011

So Long, Facebook

It's been almost 5 months since I took a leap I thought I'd never take and joined Facebook.  A fun 5 months, yes - but I'm ready for a break.  Why?  Well...

Maybe because if there's one thing constant about Facebook, it's that it's always changing!!  I get one format figured out, and then they (whoever they are) up and change it.  And even though the outcry is strong against whatever "improvements" the powers-that-be just trotted out, they never change it back.  I'm not interested in spending a whole lot of time in thinking about blocking this person and subscribing to that one and dealing with this friend list and hovering over that person's name so I can erase them from the rolling feed of who is doing what on FB and so on and so forth.  *blech*  (Can you tell I'm a little irritated with FB right now?)  ;-)

Speaking of time (which I was a few lines ago), the scarcity of that treasured commodity is really the driving force behind my decision at this time.  These years when my children are small are so short and so quickly passing by; and although I've scheduled my days in such a way that I'm not spending any significant amount of time on FB while my children are awake, I have become very aware that by spending (AKA wasting) time on FB at night, my bedtime is delayed, and I wake up the next morning much more tired than I should.  Now, on the one hand, I know that fatigue is a part of life.  What's more, I know that pregnancy has been known to (occasionally) cause more-than-usual tiredness.  ;-)  So I'm not blaming it all on FB.  But I am confessing my weakness and inability to be self-disciplined and get myself in bed when I should at night.  If taking a break from FB helps me move my bedtime a little earlier, it will prove itself a good decision, I think.

There are other reasons I feel the need to disconnect from FB right now, but I suppose there's no need to go into all of them.  I considered setting strict limits for myself, as far as how much time I could spend daily on FB; and I also pondered the possibility of only checking into FB once a week or so.  But the reality is that if my name shows up on FB, people assume they can get a hold of me there; and I already missed one important message this week because I didn't check my FB messages and, whereas I used to get an email notification (to my regular email address) about new FB messages, I apparently no longer do.  Some other thing the big shots tweaked, I suppose.

I don't know how long this FB break will last:  maybe it will be short, maybe long.  I'd like to use this break to get (at least somewhat) caught up in some other areas of my online life:  email for one, but also commenting more on the blogs I follow through Google Reader (some of those bloggers probably think I've fallen off the face of the earth, considering how much I used to comment but haven't been recently...I value some of those blogging friendships that have built up over time, and I want to be a better friend to them), as well as some other computer-related projects like the everlasting task of organizing pictures.  Fun, fun!

But before I shut my FB down, I took the time to go back through and copy and paste most of my status updates from there into this post, so that when I someday print out this blog in a book (and who knows when that will be?!), I'll be able to remember the things I jotted down on FB, particularly the sweet and/or funny things my boys said or did.  This morning, Jeff called me an Information Packrat.  He did it with great affection, of course; but I couldn't argue with him.  He's absolutely right.  So here are more status updates than anyone wants to read; but when you're an Information Packrat, you can't bear to lose any of this...  ;-)

April 26 - I finally joined the rest of the world on FB. Why? Because I realized that there's really no other feasible way to keep in touch with certain friends and family!

April 27 - When Josiah asked yesterday if we'll eat and drink in heaven, I used Exodus 24:9-11 to assure him that we will. I hope I wasn't taking those verses out of context. ;-)

April 29 - Tobin was chanting in a sing-song voice, "I'm going on the narrow road!" I heard him and said, "The narrow road? I want to come, too!" But I continued to stand at the kitchen counter and did not get in line behind him as he marched, so he commanded, "C'mon! Get on the narrow road!" "I can't right now," I told him, "I have to make supper." :) Uh oh, sounds like the parable of the wedding banquet from Matt. 22!

April 29 - Maybe it's because I only have sons, but there's just not much interest in the royal wedding in our household. YouTube videos about tornadoes, on the other hand? Enthralling!

April 30 - I love the way Tobin talks! Latest example: his declaration at lunch that "this milk will feel me better." :)

April 30 - I took Josiah, David, & Tobin to the movies tonight! We saw African Cats, and I give it two thumbs up. It ties in beautifully to the habitat study that I've begun to do with David (and will do more of during this coming year of school with him). The videography was stunning! Even more stunning is the beauty and creativity and glory of God's creation.

May 4 - It's 10:27 PM, and everyone in the house is asleep. Well, except for me...and apparently one other person, too. From Tobin's room wafts a small voice, singing, "Jesus loves you, Jesus loves you, Jesus loves you..." This is a moment to treasure.

May 10 - If it weren't for eight measures of a Bach concerto, I'd be feeling pretty good about the upcoming concert I'm accompanying. But those eight measures! Bach, did you really have to make them so difficult?! :)

May 11 - Josiah, as he sat down for lunch after a full morning of working/playing outside: "I'm as hungry as a horse!"  Tobin, not to be outdone by his big brother: "I'm as hungry as a donkey!" :)

May 12 - I was lying on the couch this morning, letting Tobin comb my hair (to say "comb" is being generous, but we'll go with that). There was a Bible beside me, and Shav toddled over, patted it, and said clear as a bell, "Bible!" For a boy who doesn't talk much, it's nice to know he's got the important words down. "Mama..." "Uh-oh..." "Look..." and now "Bible..." :)

May 12 - Tobin is upstairs in his room for quiet time. I hear his voice calling out, "Where are you, little white Bible? Where are you, little white Bible?" I suppose the precious cuteness of this moment makes up for him running away from me in Walmart. He was determined to get a drink and go to the bathroom THAT VERY INSTANT and didn't heed my declaration that we could go AFTER I paid.

May 14 - Spent yesterday at Kings Dominion with my five favorite people. Great fun, lots of memories made. But today I'm exhausted and can't seem to get going like I should. Maybe it was that last ride on the Scrambler that did me in. ;-)

May 20 - When you need to lose weight, would you rather eat less or exercise more? I'm trying to figure this out for myself because I have a "few" pounds I need to say goodbye to! :)

May 20 - So far, the best way I've discovered to lose weight? Jump on the trampoline after dark with my two oldest sons. They're brutal trainers. I'd say, "Hey, why don't we take another break and look at the stars again?" and they'd be like, "No, it's time to jump. You need to burn some more calories!"

May 24 - Wishing I could drum up $25,000 to adopt a child from Ethiopia. The book I'm reading (There Is No Me Without You) might have a little something to do with this. With only four small sleeping bodies in my house, it feels strangely empty tonight.

May 24 - I had to smile this evening when I was listening to David's and Tobin's bedtime prayers, and David prayed, "Help Tobin learn to share." Maybe he's never heard of taking the log out of his own eye before he concerns himself with his brother's speck. Then again, maybe he was putting into practice the admonition to pray for those who persecute you. :)

May 25 - In David's prayer tonight: "Please help Tobin start to be a big husband if he marries." Where does he get these thoughts from?? I guess I'll just be grateful that he's so interested in interceding for his brother! ;-)

May 26 - Oh, the logic of a 3 year old. Me: "How many cherries do you want for lunch?" Tobin: "I don't LIKE cherries!" Me: "Shall I give you three?" Tobin: "I want FIVE!" ;-)

May 27 - From Elisabeth Elliot: "The order of the Christian's assignment is: hear, do, know. If we hear the commandments and obey them, the Father will make Himself known to us. It is no use trying to know Him without doing what He says."

June 4 - ‎"Dear Grandma, did you notice that the daylilies you planted umpteen years ago are now rather smashed? I'm sorry. It's my fault. I ran over them with the Gator. I'll try to never do it again. Love, your grandson Tobin" :)

June 6 - If there's one book of the Bible that I keep returning to this year, it's 2 Timothy. That book is PACKED with wisdom and great teaching. It's as if Paul is trying to, in his last words to Timothy (that we know of), include as much good stuff as he possibly can. I can't even choose a favorite verse from that book, because there are so many good ones! :)

June 7 - Happy 14th anniversary to my beloved Jeff Fisher! If I had known then how incredibly wonderful this crazy adventure with you would be, I would have said "yes" the first time you proposed. ;-)

June 13 - I'm turning into my mom. She would often lose one of our Christmas or birthday presents, then discover it lurking in some corner of the closet months after the event. We always laughed about it. But now-that's me! I KNOW I have one more present for Josiah SOMEWHERE. I thought it was in my closet; but since I didn't find it where I thought it would be, I've been reorganizing the whole thing. Still haven't found it...

June 14 - Just tucked Tobin into bed. He wanted to give me a "big, big, BIG fall-down hug." The overwhelming smell of onion on his breath kind of ruined the tender moment for me. Guess who's been sneaking into Daddy's onion patch again? :)

June 16 - One thing I'll never understand: why kids EAT the boogers they pick out of their noses!

June 17 - ‎"A wise man will desire no more than what he may get justly, use soberly, distribute cheerfully, and leave contentedly." - Benjamin Franklin

June 17 - Another gem from Ben (Franklin, that is): "As we must account for every idle word, so we must for every idle silence." Ouch. I'm convicted about the times I should have spoken up, but gave into fear or apathy and didn't say a word.

June 17 - Tobin's Family Night is tonight, so for our dining and entertainment, he has chosen to go to Chick-fil-A. :) Knowing that I don't need to cook supper--or do the dishes afterwards!--has made this whole day exponentially less stressful than other days this week. ;-)

June 18 - What am I craving tonight? Chocolate ice cream from Kline's. It's a VERY good thing we have some in the freezer! Just as soon as I finish cleaning up my kitchen, I'm going to dip myself a bowl. Ah, the pleasures of summertime! :)

June 19 - I was just thinking how blessed we have been this spring with all of this wonderful rain! My heart aches when I think of places around the country that are desperately dry or that are flooded, but God has graciously given us a good balance of rain and sunshine this spring. I don't want to take it for granted!

June 20 - Put this in the Things I Never Thought I'd Have to Say category: "Please don't bite my Bible." Can you guess which of my sons was guilty of that offense this morning? :)

June 27 - ‎"Mom! Wipe me!" came the cry from the upstairs bathroom. "Isn't Tobin asleep YET?" I thought as I trudged up the steps. As I was helping him, he surprised me by saying kindly, "I'm very proud of you." "For what?" I asked. "For wiping me," he said. :)

June 29 - Another Tobin story... In the cellar today, Tobin pointed to a large jug and asked, "What kind of juice is this?" "It's olive oil," I told him. "We use it for cooking." "And for fixing cars?" he asked. No, dear boy, that's a very different kind of oil altogether, but you sure are smart--and cute. :)

June 30 - One of the funniest expressions in the Bible is in Judges 14:18: "If you had not plowed with my heifer, you would not have solved my riddle." I can just imagine Samson roaring this to the Philistines. Makes me smile every time. :)

June 30 - Josiah found me in my backyard late this afternoon. I was crying and saying, "God is with me. God is with me. God is with me." Do you have any idea what was going on?

July 1 - First two items on the agenda for today: take meat out of freezer so it can cook in the crockpot, and mix up pineapple milk sherbet and put it in the freezer so it can freeze! Guests for dinner tonight=yummy food. ;-)

July 2 - Tonight, homeschool planning is SO much more fun than doing dishes. Wish I had more motivation to clean up my kitchen right now. I'd much rather do some more planning for our next school year! *sigh*

July 5 - Homemade iced coffee: my new favorite way to start the day. :)

July 7 - What is up with this headache?? I've taken Tylenol, been drinking iced tea to get some caffeine in my system, AND took a nap. Nothing has helped it. This reminds me why headache pain is #3 on my list of Worst Pains Ever (labor pain being #1, and having an eardrum burst on a flight from CA to VA being #2).

July 11 - On our way home from swimming at a friend's house this morning, Tobin started singing "Jingle Bells." The incongruity didn't stop us, and we all raised our voices in a rousing "Dashing through the snow..." Life is beautiful. :)

July 11 - Three cheers for Free Slurpee Day at 7-11! Anyone who doesn't want theirs can feel free to get one and drop it off here for me to devour. Coca-Cola flavor, please. ;-)

July 11 - A verse I "discovered" last night and loved: "For you have heard my vows, O God; you have given me the heritage of those who fear your name." Psalm 61:5 - THAT'S the kind of heritage I want to pass on to my sons! But it starts with me fearing His name...right every day.

July 13 - David found me vacuuming the living room this afternoon. "Who's coming over this evening?" he asked, "Because you're vacuuming!" Apparently, he seems to think I only vacuum when guests are expected. ;-)

July 14 - ‎"The Scriptures give us hope and encouragement as we wait patiently for God's promises to be fulfilled." - Romans 15:4 NLT - I'm thankful for times like these when my love for the Word is rekindled.

July 14 - ‎"A perfect wife is one who doesn't expect a perfect husband." - anonymous - When I first met Jeff, I used to think he was perfect. Now I know he's something even better: perfect-for-me.

July 15 - I guess it wasn't possible to make it through 25+ years of parenting boys without somehow acquiring a whoopee cushion along the way, but we'd made it 9 years, 1 month, and 1 day. Until today, when David traded a half dollar coin for one that our neighbor had. I think he got the short end of the stick in that deal, but he seemed happy. :)

July 20 - Swimming always makes me hungry! Our time in a friend's pool tonight means that now my stomach is rumbling--not a good thing at 10:30 PM. Guess I'll go have a slice of Shav's coconut birthday cake. ;-)

July 21 - Shav had a rough night last night. Today, as I battle an onslaught of negative thoughts, I have to continually remind myself that a lot of my discouragement is simply because I'm tired. Life will look brighter when I don't feel quite this exhausted. Remembering this saves me from the mentality of "life will never be any easier!"

July 23 - In David's prayer tonight: "Bless all the Fishers in the whole world. And bless all the Davids, too." I'm sure all the David Fishers out there will be pleased to know that they've been doubly blessed. ;-)

July 28 - All it takes is one day of miserable sickness for me to appreciate health again!! :)

July 28 - Because I was sick yesterday, I didn't cook dinner, so Jeff brought home subs from Subway. I ate half of mine (Spicy Italian, like always) last evening and saved the other half for today. Finished eating it right now, and you know what? It's just as good the day after. :)

July 28 - OK, homeschool moms, teachers, and anyone else who knows about grammar: I've used First Language Lessons (Wise & Buffington) with Josiah, but he DOES NOT LIKE IT. As we gear up for another school year, I'm interested in making a switch, but to what? Any suggestions??

August 1 - I was *thinking* about canning tomatoes tonight. But, being as it's 10:25 and I just got all the boys settled in bed (correction: *nearly* all the boys...I heard the pitter-patter of Tobin's feet upstairs a moment ago), I think I won't dive into tomatoes tonight. What should I do instead? Hmmm...oh, I know! Blog! :)

August 5 - Earlier this evening, I was sitting on the bathroom counter, waiting for Tobin to climb up on the stool so I could brush his teeth. He looked up at me from his position on the floor and exclaimed in an astonished voice, "You're taller than GOD!" It's not as if he's never seen me sit on that counter before; but for some reason, I must have been looking imposing tonight. I quickly assured him that no, I am not taller than God...and that God is, in fact, the tallest thing in the universe. :)

August 7 - Staying home this morning with two feverish little boys reminds me how much I miss the fellowship of God's family when I can't be a part of it. But it also reminds me that "two are better than one," because Tobin and Shav have played together so peacefully (for the most part). :) Being with their best buddies made this morning pass very happily!

August 8 - Having fun reading Jim Aylesworth books to my boys this afternoon. "Two Terrible Frights" made them laugh and laugh. :) Reading stories to my children is one of the pleasures of my life!

August 10 - I went to a cemetery tonight to take pictures (photos coming eventually), and the big surprise to me is how much my boys loved being there. They didn't want to leave when it was time to go! Who knew exploring a graveyard would be so much fun for young, active boys?

August 11 - Call me naive; but when I saw this headline, "The Augusta County Sheriff's Office has arrested four people for allegedly distributing bath salts in Craigsville," I was genuinely puzzled. What's wrong with bath salts? Reading further, I discovered that it's an illegal drug. I did not know that. I should be careful the next time I'm in the soap aisle of Walmart and start asking where the bath salts are.

August 12 - David, just now: "I don't think I'm going to get married." Me: "Really? Why not?" David: "There's just so many people that I want to marry!" Me (in my head): "Hmmm...that IS a problem. It's a good thing he's got at least 15 years to figure it out." ;-)

August 13 - ‎"Since the children have flesh and blood, he [Jesus] too shared in their humanity so that by his death he might destroy him who holds the power of death--that is, the devil--and free those who all their lives were held in slavery by their fear of death." - Hebrews 2:14-15 - If we are set free from the fear of death, what is there left to fear? Maybe that's why I like to take pictures in a cemetery. ;-)

August 15 - These boys! Josiah renamed himself today; he is now Sijoha, the Magnificent! David is still David, but now it must be pronounced in the Spanish way. Tobin became Binto, and Shav is now Shov (spelling?) which rhymes with stove. When David told me my new name was Mome (rhymes with home), I said, "Well, you can call me that, but don't be surprised if I don't answer to it." ;-)

August 17 - Woken up this morning by the big boys chanting, "Grandma Fisher comes today, Grandma Fisher comes today, hooray, hooray!" and doing an accompanying dance involving lots of arm-swinging and leg-kicking. And smiles, too. It's gonna be a great day. ;-)

August 26 - The only bad thing about being pregnant at 35? Advanced Maternal Age status. I don't *feel* old, but *somebody* thinks I must be. ;-)

August 26 - David, just now: "Mom, could you be a kite-flier? Could that be your job?" I don't think he was really wondering if I would like to do that for a job, but rather was inquiring as to whether that was an acceptable vocation. I'm so glad my six-year-old has such HIGH career aspirations. ;-)

August 27 - At this stage of pregnancy, it all feels pretty unbelievable. But one thing continually reminds me that there's a baby growing inside me: two or three hours after I eat, I'm ravenously hungry again. *rumble, rumble* goes my stomach. I'm going to go scrounge in the refrigerator to see what I can find to satisfy the beast. (Beast meaning stomach, NOT the baby) ;-)

August 27 - This is speaking to my heart tonight: "Blessed are those you choose and bring near to live in your courts! We are filled with the good things of your house, of your holy temple." (Psalm 65:4)

September 8 - I really don't like to be in a position where I know that, no matter what choice I make, someone (or many someones) will be disappointed. But that's where I'm at now. I'm trying to remember Galatians 1:10, "Am I now trying to win the approval of men, or of God?" May I hear God's voice rise clearly about the cacophony of others' voices around me!

September 10 - Watching David score a goal in his soccer game was definitely the highlight of the morning. That boy has a grin that can light up the sky, and he was sure flashing it today! :)

September 15 - First night of flannel sheets = absolute coziness. Ah, the joys of changing seasons! :)

September 16 - Last night I enjoyed flannel sheets for the first time. Tonight's almost-fall pleasure? The first fire of the season in the woodstove. I love Virginia. :)


Anonymous said...

amen.. i hate facebook :-P I hate that I feel like I have to use it in order to communicate with people in my church!

Anonymous said...

As you know I just took the Facebook plunge about six weeks ago. You're one of my 34 friends, which appears to be 564 less than what everyone else has! I still cannot figure out what the big deal is and I can't figure out people who have 1500 "friends". I just think it's kind of boring. Good for you for recognizing your need to get away from it!

Homeschool on the Croft said...

Ahhhh - so FB doesn't give e-mail notifications now unless you specify you *want* them.... I was *wondering*!

Oh, love your statuses... statuses?? statii??! If mine were that good, I'd never think of leaving!

Valerie said...

Did you copy and paste all of those FB updates? I'm so glad I read this. There are some things I posted on FB that I would love to have on my blog.

Sarah-Anne said...

planning a FB intervention for the parents soon; been wanting one for over 2 yrs!
but i understand what you're saying, friend. Facebook is a huge time waster if you let it be!

Unknown said...

I use it to communicate with a playgroup and church mom's group I am in.

The blog's FB is mostly for connecting with readers.

Davene Grace said...

Valerie - yes, I did copy and paste all of those. Took me a while... ;-)

bekahcubed said...

I suppose I've just been on Facebook for so long now that it's lost its novelty. I've never been one for Facebook games, so I really don't do much on Facebook except have it open in a tab continuously. Remembering back to my early Facebook days, though, I can understand the decision you've made--I wasted a lot of time on Facebook when I was in college.