Friday, September 30, 2011

Portrait of My Boys

(Well, of three of them anyway.) 

My boys love each other deeply - I have no doubt of that.  But sometimes, they struggle with the liking-each-other part.  As I've mentioned before on the blog, we do have our fair share of friction between the siblings in this household; but because of that, I notice and treasure all the more the times when they dwell in peace and joy together.  If they would just give up their selfishness, they would certainly have a lot more fun!!  (I suppose the same could be said to me!)

Yesterday morning was one of those blessed moments when the noises that rang out from them were happy ones - not yelling and bickering, but laughing.  I've come to the conclusion that I don't mind noise, as long as it's happy noise; and yesterday I got to hear a lot of that.  I'm not sure who came up with this idea; but my oldest three somehow decided to each get a blanket, take them to the couch, then hide under them.  Much giggling accompanied all of this, and my heart rejoiced as I saw that it was possible (imagine that!) for Tobin to be included without strife in my older boys' play.  Once they were all in position in their "caves," with Tobin on the left, Josiah in the middle, and David waving on the right, the call came forth:  "Take a picture, Mom!"
Why, yes.  I don't mind if I do.  I'd love to have a portrait of my boys to remind me of how they looked during one happy, peaceful morning in early fall.  So what if I can't see their faces?!  ;-)


Unknown said...

Boy caves are such fun! I am so glad they asked for a picture.

Elizabeth said...

There is nothing greater than hearing your children giggling and laughing together. I grow so weary of hearing them bicker and fight. I just want them to love each other! Love this post!

Mike and Katie said...

The thought a blankets of little head made me gasp a little. Until a realized that it probably doesn't take you an hour to detangle and restyle your little guys' hair. ;) At our house, blankets on heads are strictly frowned upon unless their wearing their silky caps.
I also thought about how quiet blogs are. It's tough to grasp the reality of life in still pictures and how we are unlikely to post pictures or videos when things are "normal" but we run for the camera when things are going suprisingly sweet. Do you think we will have forgotten what it was really like when we go back and look at it all later?

Davene Grace said...

Katie - good points! I almost didn't post the picture because I didn't want anyone to think they were in danger of suffocation or anything like that. Hopefully it's pretty obvious that there is plenty of air under their blankets, and they can take them off at any time they want to. Plus, I was here to supervise. :)

I did NOT think about hair getting messed up. The boys' hair never gets messed up because of how short their barber daddy keeps it. One advantage of having all boys, I suppose!!! :) I admire your patience in dealing with your girls' hair!

You are so right about blogs being quiet. Most days, I can't imagine that I'll EVER be able to forget the noise and chaos of these days. I also can't imagine that I'll ever forget how difficult and exhausting it is to hear so many petty conflicts and be pushed into a referee position all the time. But I suppose it's possible that someday I'll forget.

Nah. Probably not. ;-)

Mary@notbefore7 said...

Ok, so I am getting to know your wonderful boys and your blog tonight and I LOVED this shot. LOVED it. I think it is the best portrait of boys and siblings I have seen in awhile. THIS is such a moment that was captured.

Love it.

Davene Grace said...

Thanks, Mary! You made my day. :)