Saturday, March 15, 2014

Tobin's Been Counting Down the Days...

...until he got to follow in the footsteps of his big brothers and PLAY SOCCER!!!  :)  Shav was signed up to play on Tobin's team, too; but, probably because he didn't remember going to watch Josiah and David play, he wasn't as enthusiastic as Tobin was.  That's OK: Tobin's excitement was enough for both of them.  :)

Today, at last, was the long-awaited day; and 10:00 a.m. found us perched on a hilltop, cold winds blowing around us, watching a swarm of blue-shirted and green-shirted kids chase a ball--and each other--up and down the field.  And so began Tobin and Shav's foray into the world of organized sports.  :)

At bedtime tonight, Tobin asked, "How many more days until my next soccer game?"  It's such a joy to see them having fun!  :)


Carol said...

Great pictures and so glad that your enthusiastic son finally gets to play.

sally said...

Great pictures! It was nice to see such sunny pictures tonight (Sunday night) when the snow is piling up and changing the world to white again!

In that last picture, I think Shav looks particularly like Jeff. I love his big smile!

Emily said...
