Monday, March 10, 2014

In the Big 'Ol Net, Vol. 5

The time change makes me want to stay up for a while longer tonight, but I've got a date with Josiah at 7:00 a.m. tomorrow morning to help him with his violin practice, so I need to be mature and make myself go to bed soon.  But before I do, here are a few things I've enjoyed online recently.


It only takes a minute to watch this, but I'm SURE it will put a smile on your face.  :)


Every baby is a miracle.  Every birth is precious.  But this.  Wow.

That mother-child bond is a beautiful thing, folks.


And speaking of mothers and children, this post is a lovely retelling of the whole "motherhood is the hardest job I've ever done, but ABSOLUTELY THE BEST" story.

Are you a mother of little ones?  Do you need an extra dose of inspiration to appreciate this demanding season of life?  That article is exactly what you need.


This short post about Abraham's faith inspired me to press in and cling to God, even though I don't have it all figured out and even though I wonder what His plan is.  I want to be like Abraham, certain of God's character even while being uncertain of nearly everything else!


Josiah reads so fast that I often have trouble staying a step ahead in the search to find great books for him; and since he's read close to 1,200 in his lifetime (we have a reading record notebook where we write down the books that he has read), you can imagine that I'm always on the hunt for more.  (You can also imagine that I'm grateful beyond words for the public library because otherwise, Josiah's reading habit would break the bank for us.)  ;-)  I was thrilled when a dear lady I've gotten to know through blogging, Anne in Scotland, shared this book list with me.  :)

I should add that David too is a great reader, and will benefit from this book list.  As will, I hope, Tobin...and Shav...and Moriah.

All in due time.  :)


And speaking of books, you know Love You Forever?  That's one that always makes me cry if I try to read it, but I never knew the story behind the story.  Now that I do, I'll likely cry even more.


Two funnies we enjoyed recently...  :)

Classic comedians are the best.  :)

(Vol. 1 is here.  Vol. 2 is here.  Vol. 3 is here.  Vol. 4 is here.)

1 comment:

Emily said...

Oh my gosh. The tears are flowing. Between the Love You Forever story and Motherhood is the hardest job I'm crying! I couldn't read Love You Forever without crying before - now I'm never going to be able to!