Monday, March 24, 2014

An Unexpected Absence

When last Saturday dawned, bright and clear, my mind was full of thoughts about Tobin and Shav's soccer game, and then the field trip we would be taking right after that to the New Market Battlefield.  I had no idea that less than 12 hours later, I would be hit with a stomach bug fiercer than I've had in a very long time.

You just never know what a day will hold, do you?

Well, no one wants to hear the details of that particular illness, so we'll skim over those; but I will say that my absence from the online world during the past few days is entirely because of that.  I had planned to use Saturday evening to do a whole post about our trip to the battlefield; but obviously that didn't happen.  Until I get caught back up with life a little bit, this one photo will have to do.  

Meet three (young!) soldiers who've just joined Robert E. Lee's Army of Northern Virginia!  ;-)

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