Sunday, March 9, 2014

Growing the Table

When it comes to the size of our kitchen table, there's only one direction I like to see it go: bigger.  In fact, I dread the day when someone from our circle is gone, and we have to shorten the table.  I know the day will come, and I trust that God already knows when that day will be and He will prepare me for that as the time approaches.  But for now, I am happy because of our need to expand the table.  

Like we did this past week...  :)

Moriah was so interested in sitting at the table that she would often, between meals, go over to it and climb up on one of the chairs so she could sit at it like a big girl.  For meals, I still put her in the highchair, because with the rest of us around the table, it was too crowded to accommodate one more person.  But it was obvious that the time had come.

Time to put away the highchair.

Time to add a leaf to the table.

Time to buy a longer tablecloth.

Time to bring the ladder-back chair up from my parents' house so that Shav could use it and Moriah could have his booster seat.

Time to grow the table.

Thursday was our last meal together as a family of nine with Moriah still in the highchair.  See how big she looks?

Then Friday night we were eating out at Country Cookin' because of David's Family Night, and Jeff and I had a date last night so we weren't eating all together then.  But today, for Sunday dinner, we gathered for the first time as a family of nine with all of us sitting at the table--the newly-extended, new-tablecloth-covered table.

 During the course of the meal, Moriah stole David's napkin.  Then she stole his fork.  Then I got him another fork.  Then she stole that one, too.  A few times we had to tell David to stop hugging and touching Moriah ("But she's grabbing my arm!" was his reply.) so he could focus on his food and finish eating.  :)  But all in all, the meal was a success.

And how did the Little Miss herself feel about it?

I'd say she was pleased.  :)

For a look back at another time our table grew, click here.  :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She looks quite pleased with herself!! Such a big girl!