Friday, March 14, 2014

Another Use for a (Sort of) Old, (Kind of) Worn-out Toy

Remember that bouncy thing we got for Moriah, with money Grandma Fisher gave her for Christmas?

Remember how, after a while, the boys turned it over and used it as a clubhouse?

Remember how, another time, Tobin figured out how to make it work as a lounge chair?

Would you believe that Tobin and Shav found yet another use for it?  Have a look...

I'm so grateful that their creativity has turned an item that I regretted buying (after I saw how quickly it developed holes and leaked air) into a barrel of fun.  

Over and over again.  :)


Jennifer said...

Brilliant! And love Moriah's delight at moving that chair.

sally said...

Loved this video! I loved Moriah in it too. She was so lovely, and her hair looked so neat and freshly-combed. I'd say that bouncy thing is making a great air see-saw!