Thursday, March 27, 2014

It Was Getting Out of Hand...

...that infamous pile of papers and assorted debris that, in my house, always - ALWAYS - accumulates on the counter by the telephone.
Does everyone have a spot like this in their home?  A catch-all that, as soon as your back is turned, starts growing and growing until it threatens to take over the whole house (and your sanity!)?
Well, this is mine.

And, after an hour and a half or so of focused time tonight, this is also mine.
Not perfect.  Not completed.
But better.  So much better.

I think I can breathe again.  :)


Valerie said...

Haha! I'm so glad I'm not the only one to have a counter that looks like that! A few months ago I tossed everything that was on the counter into a box and tucked it away... a quick clean up before company came over. You know what? I haven't touched the box since then. I'm wondering just how important my stacks of paper really are. :)

Jo Ann said...

Oy, since moving and having the baby I have several spots like that and a couple boxes that I haven't unpacked that I believe came from paper hotspots in the last house. :/ Seeing your progress is inspiring. :)